The betrayal

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It was finally time for the champions to be picked. Draco was on the edge of his seat waiting.

When Dumbledore stood up Draco almost fell out of his seat. Pansy and will we're on either side of him and he could feel the excitement buzzing off of him. It felt almost like winning capture the flag at camp except he wouldn't be aloud to compete in this.

Cedric could though. His older brother had been wanting to be in the triwizard tournament since he found out what it was. Draco hoped he would win.

The names were being called. "Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang" a man with thick dark eyebrows and broad shoulders was being clapped on the back from fellow students. Then Dumbledore spoke again "Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons" the Veela was shining and people in blue were clapping for her proud of her. Then the last name was called "Cedric Diggory as the Hogwarts Champion"

Everyone cheered Draco stood up so fast he fell into Pansy but he didn't mind he was clapping and Cheering as loud as he could and the Hufflepuff looked over joyed.

They thought it was over but Dumbledore spoke again everyone stilled and Draco froze as he was about to sit down "Harry Potter from Hogwarts!" His voice boomed throughout the room.

Draco's ears were ringing he could see Weasley getting upset from where he was at. How was that possible. Whispers spread fast and people were staring at him. Draco was pulled down by will and silverware clanked from were Wesley had hit the table.

Draco wasn't sure if that really happened dinner had ended and people had started to file out. Will pulled Pansy away with him and Draco walked behind the two of them. How did he do it. He couldn't of done it by himself. Could he?

Draco felt an arm grab him and he turned quickly to see who had grabbed him. It was his brother his grey eyes were shining with excitement and he was pushing his dark hair out of his face.

"I did it Draco I'm going to be competing." He smiled down at his little brother.

"I know I'm happy for you didn't you see? Or were you too busy staring at Cho?" Draco teased

"Oh maybe I was what's wrong with that you hate love or something? Don't worry I won't tell drew or mom." He laughed

He put his arm around Draco's shoulder and pulled him closer so they were walking side by side. "Going to any party's tonight?"

Draco shook his head "I wasn't planning on it."

"You don't want to celebrate my great success. Maybe I will tell drew." He said turning his head

Draco pushed his arm off "Don't you dare she will kill me and you know it."

"Are you ok?" Cedric stopped when he asked looking at Draco with concern

Draco blinked caught off guard by the suddenness of the question. "I'm fine. I just don't think you should be competing against a 14 year old. It's against the rules." Draco said sighing

"You sound concerned for your boyfriend." Cedric said Draco didn't look pleased at the comment but Cedric tried to play it off. He wrapped his arm back around him and walked him to the Slytherin dorms.

They stopped right outside and Draco turned to Cedric before he left. "I'm proud of you but don't hurt him he should be involved in something made for 17 year olds."

"I know and I won't your boyfriend will be safe from me." Cedric gave Draco a hug and left. Draco watched as his brother left and he turned around and went in to the commons area.

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