Hogsmeade Drama

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Will was informed that they could go to Hogsmeade since they were in fourth year. Though Will wasn't sure what that was he was exited to find out.

He saw Nico in his black jeans and a white long sleeve t shirt and a black skull t over it. Will laughed when he saw the yellow converse on his feet. "I thought you liked yellow sunshine." Nico said smirking at will.

"I do and you look good in it." Will told him

Nico was blushing but still rolled his eyes at Will. They would be meeting a few other people there and going to the three broomsticks.

"Hey guys wondering when you would get here." A sing song voice rang out. Will turned to look and saw the daughter of Iris standing next to an embarrassed Neville.

"Luna" will said running over to wrap her in a bear hug. She happily hugged him back. Even her and Nico hugged though not for long.

"I had no idea you would be here to Luna. Is anybody else her we should know about?" Nico asked

"Well Cedric a seventh year he's a son of Aphrodite Draco's half brother. As well as Lavender Brown you both know her she's a daughter of  Athena." Luna answered

"Oh yay I do know him he came into the infirmary on the last week of summer. he had fallen off the rock wall and hurt himself. Also I've know Lavender for a long time too." Will thought aloud.

They all found a table and sat down ignoring the questioning stares from people around them.

They were there to have a fun time not to get judged. Though will knew most people didn't hang out with others from different houses but he didn't really care. They had ordered a glass of butter beer for everyone and talked amongst themselves.

They had a good few minutes of fun time before the golden trio as pansy called them walked in.

Harry's scar was showing because his hair was pushed back and Hermione looked interested in the arrangement at their table. Ron looked offended. "Neville what are you doing mate?" He looked bewildered at Neville sitting down with them.

"Nothing much would you guys like to join us?" He asked ignoring the elbow in his ribs Draco gave him.

Hermione looked thrilled and flopped down right next to will and the boys followed unenthusiastically.

The seating arrangement changed. Nico was on wills right and Hermione on his left. Next to her was Ron and then Pansy, Draco, Harry, Luna, and Neville was next to Nico.

Draco looked unimpressed by the seating arrangement and chose to stare at Pansy.

"I'm glad we are all getting along for once it's been quiet annoying will all the fighting." Hermione said simply ignoring Harry and Ron's glares. Will stifled a laugh when she waved them off.

"It's nice to hang out with you again." Will told her smiling

She smiled back "yea it is. I haven't really talked to you since we met."

It went a lot better than will thought it would. Draco didn't ever look at Harry or Ron and talked to anyone else even Hermione when she directed questions to him. This seemed to please Pansy and she knocked her shoulder with his.

Harry and Ron didn't look to thrilled to be dragged along but they didn't say anything rude so it went well in wills book.

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