Nicos troubles

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Nico had made no progress on the ghost. He had been zoning out in his classes and he missed will.

He saw will all the time on the weekends but it was still lonely. Harry and Ron had also been ignoring each other since his name was called. Nico knew that Harry didn't put his name in there he was too young but lavender told him that someone older could have done it. Nico just had no idea who and neither did she.

Most of the time in classes Nico would hang out with the daughter of Athena and not talk anyone from the golden trio.

It was a week before the first task and Nico honestly had no idea what it could be. Hopefully nothing that would require more paperwork for his father.

He knew that Cedric was excited for it because Draco kept saying how happy he was for him. It was nice to know that some of the Aphrodite children got along.

Him and lavender were currently in the library. Her brown hair was put up in bubbles. And her tan skin was covered in freckles.

"For the last time Nico it's called a bubble braid it's supposed to look like that."

"Are you sure I've never heard of them before."

"Maybe that because you were born in the 1920's."

"Alright no need to call me our Lavender." Nico said opening the closest book on the shelf

They weren't actually studying Lavender had wanted to talk to a girl she liked Parvati who apparently had a twin sister. She had bronze skin like Harry but hers was a bit darker and her eyes were brown and her hair was black and braided.

They had been there for an hour and Lavender was still too nervous. Nico didn't know why they talk all the time why was now suddenly different.

"What are you doing?" A voice interrupted Nicos thoughts. Nico jumped slightly before turning around it was a girl Padma. She had saw him staring at her twin sister. She was still in her Ravenclaw uniform and her hair wasn't braided but other than that Nico wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

"I was um just looking." Nico tried but she didn't look impressed.

"At my sister you've been staring at her this whole time."

"I well I wasn't trying to I was just waiting is all." Nico was nervous he didn't want her to think he was going to make a move on her.

"Waiting for what?" She asked glaring at him.

"For lavender."

She was about to speak when lavender came running over and grabbed Nico on the arm. "I messed up we have to go now."

She looked at Padma nodded and dragged Nico off.

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