Potions and pride

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Will walked through the school next to Draco the son of Aphrodite and Pansy the daughter of nemesis. The stairs moved and Will thought that it was a sure way to an accident. He also realized that Pansy was convinced that Draco was head over heels in love with the chosen one.

When she said that Draco ended up the color of a tomato and tripped over himself and face planted.

"It's not true and stop telling people that." Draco voice cracked as he said it his face still red while he wiped off his robes.

"Oh come on Draco just admit it." Pansy whined his jaw clinched and he walked faster to get away from her. They were on their way to the potions classroom and Draco had made it in before anyone else.

His face still slightly red Will sat next to him and Pansy behind them with her not so secret crush.

It wasn't long before the rest of the class came in. Nico had serious bed head but looked like he had slept well so will was glad. When Nico looked over and saw who he was next to his eyes went wide and he blinked a few times while Neville snickered next to him.

Draco had told Will that him and Neville weren't friends at school which he thought was crazy because they were always together at camp. Pansy then added that most Gryffindors hated Slytherins and thought they were evil.

Will thought that was strange but people did the same thing at camp. Will found out not to long after Nico decided to stay that a lot of campers thought he was creepy.

Will never thought Nico was creepy but some people thought he was just because he was a son of hades.

Nico smiled over at Will and Will missed Nico it was weird only seeing him for one class. But at least they got to see each other during meals. Even though they couldn't sit next to each other he could still look at him.

Snape had cleared his through and Will noticed how some of the students looked horrified. Snape was talking about a paper we would need to write on the effects of something. I wasn't paying much attention, but I knew I could just ask Draco.

Him and Hermione seemed to be the only one really paying much attention. Both of them scribbling down notes and listening closely.

Nico looked confused when Will turned his attention to him. He seemed to be trying to pay attention. Will wasn't.

Class was boring and Will couldn't wait till it was over. He actually couldn't wait till it was all over. The rest of Wills classes were boring and lunch was uneventful. Unless you count Draco and Harry glaring at each other.

School went on like this for the rest of the week and Will started to wonder were these ghost Nico was suppose to find were.

Nico At Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now