Third task

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It was the time for the third task Nico was getting weird vibes from one of the professors he couldn't remember his name so he asked Draco.

"Professor moody." Draco told him clearly uncomfortable

Nico wasn't really sure why but he was sure that the son of Aphrodite was getting those vibes from him.

They were explaining how the third task would work. "navigate the labyrinth, which would be seeded with various spells and creatures, and reach the Triwizard Cup, located in the center of the maze. The first Champion to touch the Cup would be the outright winner." Dumbledores voice rang out over the crowd

Draco cringed beside him and looked down at Harry. Nico wasn't sure if Harry could even see him but Draco smiled down at him anyway.

Nico was surprised when Harry looked up and smiled back. Sure he wore glasses but even though Jason wore glasses he still wouldn't be able to see that far.

They entered the maze and Nico waited.

Harry came running out with the cup and Nico tried not to looked to surprised. Harry had won! 

Draco was yelling. Cedric and the other champions didn't look to happy and Harry looked concerned and Cedric looked uncomfortable. Something definitely happened.

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