End of the year

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They later found out that Harry and Cedric ended up in a grave yard with the dark lord. Will wasn't too sure who that was but he knew he wasn't good. There professor Moody was actually  Barty Crouch Jr. Who was trying to get Harry to the dark lord.

Thankfully no one was hurt. Except Krum he had a broken nose. Will wasn't sure how that happened either but all that mattered was the ghost Nico and him came here to get were where they were suppose to be. Also no one was seriously hurt so that was a plus.

They would be going home this now back to camp half blood. Wills was practically glowing. He might actually be he wasn't really sure.

He sat with his arm wrapped around Nicos shoulder and noticed that Hermione was leaning on Ron.

Will was glad the two cleared away their issues it was better when they got along. Harry wasn't with them he was in a different compartment with Draco and Pansy and Blaize.

They split up because they didn't want to be crammed in on compartment. Lavender Parvati, Neville and Luna were all in another.

Will felt better more relaxed it had been a pretty easy school year even if he didn't remember any of his homework or lessons. It's not like he would use it again anyway.

They wouldn't be coming back there was no reason so this was their goodbye and it would be in good terms.

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