The Second Task

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Draco was called down too Dumbledore office by Severus. His godfather had assured him that he wasn't in trouble.

"Calm down Draco you haven't done anything unless dating a Gryffindor is against the rules." He told Draco ushering him up the stairs.

"I know you don't like him but you have to get used to it Severus." Draco told him

Severus let out a sigh and kept walking with his godson. Neither of them were really sure what was going on but when they got to Dumbledore office his god father spoke "lemon drops." And his office opened up.

Draco wasn't the only one who had been called down. Hermione was there as well as Cho Chang and Fleur little sister Gabrielle.

Draco tried not to look to confused as he looked at the rest of them none of them seemed to have the slightest idea what was happening.

Dumbledores voice boomed across the room as he spoke "the second task takes place in the black lake. The champions have to rescue someone they care for. You all have been chosen for a champion. Miss granger for Krum. Mr. Malfoy for Harry. Miss Cho for Cedric and Gabrielle for fleur. Do you accept?"

Draco looked around quickly questions swimming through his head. Severus spoke harshly "why in Merlin's name would we do that they could get hurt." Everyone else looked surprised by his words but Draco knew he was worried for him.

"I can assure you all that you will be safe if the champions do not get you in time the merpeople will bring you up."

Draco thought that the egg made a lot more sense now he was thankful that his brother had tried to help Harry. Even though it sounded like he wanted to take a bath with him.

Everyone else had excepted and Draco looked at his godfather. His black hair was hanging in his face and he didn't look the slightest bit happy. Draco excepted and could see the twitch of his godfathers eye.

Draco didn't remember anything after he was brought to the black lake. The next thing he did remember how ever was someone's arm around him as they broke free of the water. He gasped for breath and noticed the green eyed boy next to him glasses crooked and dark hair plastered on his face covering his lightning scar.

In his other side was Gabrielle who looked on the verge of tears. Draco didn't understand why Harry had both of them but he was pretty sure that was against the rules.

They made it out of the water and immediately Fleur ran to her sister and started kissing her face then she grabbed Harry and hugged his fiercely thanking him. Draco was stunned he had no idea how long it had been since he was brought here and it was nerve racking.

Cedric had ran over and picked Draco straight off the ground wrapping him in his arms. Draco hugged his brother back and noticed a lot of weird stares from everybody.

They ended up getting blankets wrapped around them and Severus was in the tent with them glaring at Harry.

Draco hadn't paid much attention to the scoring and it seemed that neither did Harry. They both made sure Hermione was ok and then harry kept himself near Draco.

"We didn't know what happened you and Hermione just disappeared." Harry told him while sitting next to him.

"Cedric was scared because both you and Cho were gone." Hermione informed him.

Draco nodded "I figured he almost broke my ribs with that hug." He was tired and he was certain that everyone else was. Harry had yelled at Dumbledore and Draco's jaw dropped. He had to pull his angry boyfriend back and sit him down with him.

When everyone had left and was sent back to their houses after celebrating Severus pulled Draco aside. He put his hands on his shoulders and gently pulled him into a hug.

Draco felt like crying his godfather wasn't one for affection and Draco sunk into it almost falling asleep right there but he didn't.

His godfather walked with him to the Slytherin house entrance and left. Draco made his way to his room and flopped on the bed not even bothering with his shoes before falling asleep.

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