Crazy wizards

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Multiple povs

Lavender pov

Lavender thought that half the kids at this school were crazy and that the other half was just stupid or at least somewhere on that line.

Ron was an idiot when it came to common sense like the fact that Hermione granger liked him. He had been nothing but rude to the poor girl and lavender had never wanted to slap someone across the face as she did in those moments.

Class had been going on like normal and she had been listening to other's conversations like she normally did. When she overhead Ron saying something about Hermione "she's just so bossy I swear mate, and she never stops talking it's annoying." He states to a confused Thomas.

They were currently in their charms class and with our even thinking she turned around and threw her charms book right at the Weasley.

It hit him right in the face and he ended up in the hospital wing and she ended up with three detentions.

Ron's pov

Ron didn't understand what Lavenders problem was one second he was talking to Dean and then the next there was a book flying at his face.

She didn't look the slightest bit sorry either.

Dean had to walk with him to the hospital wing. "God why would she do that?" Ron asked

Dean grimaced when more blood gushed out of Ron's nose. "Probably because of what you said about Hermione mate."

Ron's face burned. Since when do they even get along he thought they hated each other. Even though he was mad he knew he was in the wrong Hermione had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to have him talking behind her back.

Lavender on the other hand was in the wrong and Ron knew he needed to apologize to Hermione. Just because he was mad about her going to the Yule ball with Krum didn't mean he should ruin there relationship over it.

Hermione's pov

Hermione was honestly confused when Ron came over to her in the library. They haven't been on speaking terms since the Yule ball. He looked nervous though.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to you for a second?" He asked glancing at the floor. Hermione already knew he was there to apologize and she was glad he wasn't looking at her face because she was smiling.

"Sure." She said simply but it was enough to make Ron look up and smile his blue yes shining.

He took the seat next to her and spoke "I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting. I was rude to you and it was uncalled for."

Hermione shook her head "it most certainly was Ronald."

Ron kept talking "I was mad about you going with Krum to the Yule ball and it was a really stupid reason to be rude. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

Hermione stared at him for a second and he had never looked more sorry not in the four years she has known the boy. Except maybe for the first year incident.

Hermione let out a breath "of course."

Pansy's pov

Pansy was walking to her next class with Blaise and Draco when she saw Weasley and Hermione talking with each other and laughing .

She felt herself smirk and she looked at Draco who looked impressed as did Blaise.

They made it into the class and Blaise broke the silence between the three of them. "Are you a demigod?"

It caught her off guard and Draco looked horrified. It was suppose to be a secret. She was going to tell him eventually but he seemed to figure it all out himself. Why was she even surprised he had always been smart.

She shook her head at the dark skinned man and he smiled. Pansy felt her heart skip.

"How did you know?" She asked

"I overheard you talking about it sorry for eavesdropping." Pansy wasn't mad not in the slightest and neither was Draco she could tell. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek as she sat down.

Blaise seemed satisfied with the answers and sat in the seat next to her.

Draco's pov

Draco wasn't at all surprised that Blaise figured them out they weren't very subtle. There was no argument or crazy emotions like most people would have acted because Blaise was a wonderful person. He was hard to anger and he trusted them.

Draco's almost 100% sure that why Pansy fell for him. He was calm and she was not and they do say that opposites attract.

When classes were over for the day Draco went to find his own boyfriend. He was sitting by a window and the sunlight was reflecting off of his glasses. Draco was going to tell him the truth.

"Harry." He spoke softly sitting next to the Gryffindor he looked up at him and Draco went on "I have to tell you something so promise not to get mad."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed but he said nothing only shaking his head at him.
"Have you heard of Greek gods?"

Harry's pov

Harry couldn't believe it his boyfriend and apparently a few other people he knew were demigods. His boyfriend was half god. It didn't seem possible but Draco proved it. He was a child of Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty and it made perfect since.

Draco had always been beautiful and recently since he'd been letting his hair grow out and stopped straightening it he looked even more breathtaking.

Harry would like to say that he didn't freak out but who is he kidding but he kept his promise and want mad how could he be. Draco's silver eyes looking softly at him or maybe it was his charm speak. Draco told him that he used it on everyone at the Yule ball.

Harry knew when. He wasn't mad about that either. He had no issue with any of it he just thought it was kind of crazy.

Draco looked glad that he didn't make a big fuss out of it. He gently kissed his face and Harry smirked. Draco rolled his eyes at him but didn't seem to really mind scooting closer to him and relaxing.

Neville's Pov

Neville was enjoying his day. He found out that Harry knew and so did Blaize Zambini pansy's boyfriend. He want all that surprised he was sure Blaise found out himself but Draco definitely told Harry.

Harry walked into their shared room smiling and Neville knew why. Harry glanced at him and nodded his head at him.

Draco had already told him that he was going to tell Harry but he asked anyway "Talk to Draco?"

That caught his attention making his head snap to him. "What?"

"You know about being a demigod." Neville said simply

Harry's mouth was open and he looked surprised "are you" he trailed off at the end not needing to finish his sentence.

"Im a son of Demeter."

"Demeter" Harry repeated looking pleased when he said "the goddess of agriculture. Draco told me that one."

Neville laughed then not be able to stop himself the way Harry was reacting seemed humorous to him.

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