Chapter 9 - The State Dinner Pt 2

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Chapter 9 - The State Dinner Pt 2

"I believe that that is an excellent idea President Obama," My father said sipping on his champagne. "Not only would the Heartlands benefit from it, but America as well!"

"I agree," My mother chimed while gently wiping her mouth. Tch, she agrees with every fucking thing he says!

We were an hour into the state dinner and I was about to to stab my eyeballs out with my fork! Not only was this boring and annoying as hell, but their wasn't even any music playing! How the hell can you have a dinner without music? Not to mention, Pinky looked like she was about to throw up any second now. She was nervous and she fiddled her fingers and tried to move much; as all eyes were glued to our table. Raven's especially who's black, soulless eyes bore into Pinky's with pure jealousy. But her face remained the same, with that stupid all-knowing smirk on her face.

"Well then maybe we can establish-"

"I HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR MY LATE ENTRY!" A shrill voice shouted, gathering all of our attention.

Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor as they took in the late intruder to who dared to be brazen enough to interrupt the President of the United States of America! It was Grace! She speedily made her way to her seat next to mine, her flowing lilac dress trailing behind her. Of course, she looked fucking perfect and magical! But not even her inhumane beauty could save her from the angry and menacing looks that my mother was shooting at her. Her left eye was twitching and she gripped her wine glass tightly. She was furious! Ha, maybe if she gets angry enough her botox filled face will crack! That, I would love to see!

"Gracelyn," My mother said in a deadly calm tone. "You just interrupted President Obama from making an important proposition for the benefit of our people. You should issue and apology, don't you think?"

"Ah-um-I-uh," She stuttered nervously and it made my mother even more furious.

Oh this was a golden moment! Little Miss "Perfect" actually stuttered! I sipped my wine glass in amusement as I and everyone else here watched the scenario unfold.

"Speak.clearly.with.confidence," My mother said through gritted teeth.

Grace nodded and nervously cleared her throat before speaking again. "I sincerely apologize for my disrespectful behavior President Obama and I humbly ask for your forgiveness."

"No need for an apology Your Highness," He said with a small smile. Hmm, he's surprisingly nice and humble.

"I once again apologize on my daughter's behalf," My mother said. "I hope that act of disrespect didn't hinder any chances of us continuing our previous arrangement for the Heartlands."

Oh man, I know that I should just keep quiet at these things, but I couldn't take all of the lies I was hearing. "Firstly, it was an accident mother dear," I sarcastically said while rolling my eyes. "And secondly, it's not like you give two shits about-"

Arty suddenly leaned over and clasped his hand tightly over my mouth my mother glared daggers at me. Everyone else gasped at my use of profanity at a state dinner. "Watch your mouth Alexandra!"

"I think you should watch your fuc-HUH?" I was suddenly yanked by the arm and dragged away from the table. Arty was tugging me harshly and he walked quickly towards the exit. All eyes were on us as I heard the hush whispers. Well won't this make a juicy headline tomorrow morning!

"What's the matter with you Alex?" Arty seethed at me once we were out of the public eye. "Do you realize what you've just done?"

"I said the fucking truth!" I glared at him.

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