Chapter 4 - Seduction

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Chapter 4 - Seduction

"Are you sure you're ok Alex?" Pinky asked taking a seat next to mine.

"FUCKING PEACHY!" I snapped while scribbling furiously the notes from the board.

My history teacher turned around to look at me in annoyance but didn't comment on my outburst. Not like he could anyway. But a certain dumbass sitting behind me just wanted to further ruin my already ruined day.

"Damn Curly, are you this bitchy everyday?" He asked twirling a lock of my hair around his finger. "I like you better when you're flustered."

I whipped around to curse him out, but the lock of finger that was wrapped around his finger tugged harshly and made me cry out in pain. "FUCK!"

"Your Highness!" Mr. Daniels said getting annoyed at my swearing. The entire class was also looking back at me and I glared at them all.

"What?" I snapped, challenging him to further irritate me, but he audibly gulped and returned to teaching the class.

"Seriously?" Crimson scoffed behind me. "You just swore, twice, and he isn't going to do anything? Fucking pussy,"

"He just knows his place and realizes who holds all of the power in here," I glared at him.

"Knows his place," He chuckled. "You think just because the word  "princess" is in front of your name you have the right to boss everyone around? News flash sweetheart, you may get away with that shit in the capital but we're I'm from, you talk to people like that and it'll be your last word, royalty or not,"

"Well here in the capital, the people respect the royals!" I seethed.

"Well then everyone here is a dumbass if they respect you!"

"EXCUSE ME!" I stood up from my seat and whacked him over the head with my textbook. "YOU BETTER RESPECT ME YOU LOW CLASS PEASANT!"


"EXCUSE ME YOU TWO!" Mr. Daniels shouted catching our attention. "I'm sorry Princess but that's the third time you've disrupted the class, I' m afraid I have to send you to the headmistresses' office."

"What?" I deadpanned. "I'm not going anywhere you incompetent foo-HEY PUT ME DOWN!"

Crimson had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of rice. My hands immediately went to keep my skirt down from the perverted gazes I was getting from some of the boys.

"Don't worry Mr. Daniels, we'll go, sorry for the disruption," He said before picking up our bags and strolling out the classroom as if he didn't have a fucking princess dangling from his shoulder!

"YOU DUMBASS PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as I banged my fists on his back, but I doubt he even felt them because he only laughed at my struggle. 

After doing that for three minutes my arm began to get tired and I gave up. The second he puts me down I'll make a run for it.

"Finally stopped talking? This is my favorite version of you!" He laughed as he rubbed my calves. It instantly made me blushed and I wiggled and squirmed around in his arms. Why do I respond in such a way to his stimulation?

"Shut up!" I growled. I noticed that he had passed the headmistresses' office and was now strolling a a flight of stairs. Soon enough, we emerged to the roof-top of RHA, a small garden was also up here which made the scenery absolutely breath-taking.

"Wow," I muttered to myself as I took in the beauty.

"I know I'm gorgeous but please control yourself Curly!" Crimson said.

"Shut it," I glared at his back. "And put me down the blood is rushing to my he-AH!" I shrieked as he suddenly lifted me in front of him; my face directly in front of his broad chest. I turned around to see that I was right on the edge of the building, one little step backwards and I'll be flat as a pancake on the ground!

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed as I tightly held onto his torso. His arms wrapping themselves around my waist as he held me close to him. "ARE YOU INSANE?"

"Hmm, insane for you," He smirked bringing his mouth to my ear. I immediately turned scarlet; and to make natters worse, I couldn't even back away unless I wanted to die!

"S-Stop it, I'm serious," I squeaked as he brought his lips to my neck, slowly trailing them all over. "This is harassment!"

"Is it really?" He raised an eyebrow as he blew on my neck. "You seem to be enjoying yourself very much, you're almost ripping my shirt."


"Are you sure that's the only reason?" He inquired. "I can feel your pulse racing, your face in flushed and you're sweating bullets. I'm making you nervous aren't I?"

As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was making me nervous. Never had I had a guy this close to me before and it was sending me into overdrive. "N-No,"

"Come on Alexandra don't lie," He said my name so seductively that my knees buckled, but he caught me and wrapped my limp legs around his waist. "Admit that I'm making you nervous and I'll let you down."

"You're not ," I said in a raspy tone as he continued to breathe around my neck. His big warm hands running over my exposed thigh ravenously, as if he wanted to feel every inch.

"Are you sure?" He teased biting my earlobe. My brain was apparently reduced to mush because I couldn't comprehend how wrong this situation was. All of this stimulation was making me flushed.

"Positive," I moaned as he began rubbing circles on my thighs. Oh God, what is he doing to me? I didn't even want him to stop at this point, I was enjoying myself to much. All of the stress and anger I felt from yesterday completely melted away as Crimson continued to work his witchcraft on me.

"You know what I think?" He whispered.


"You're lying," He smirked before he suddenly turned around and gently placed my feet onto the ground before picking up his bag and nonchalantly walking away while I was left their panting like I've just finished a marathon.

"Hmm, so you're the submissive type, I would've thought that you were more dominant. You know, with you bossing everyone around all the time," He smirked.

"What?" I asked breathlessly as I tried to compose my self but it was futile, I was a mess.

"See you around Curly!" He said before jogging down the steps. Leaving me alone on the roof.

My breathing was still uneven and I could still feel his hands on my thighs. It's like he's still touching. What the hell did that bastard do to me?



I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys a little something before the school week starts. I may not be able to update as often this week but I'll try to get the fifth chapter up soon!

Thank you guys for your support, you all are awesome!

TaTa beautiful people@


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