The Christmas Float Parade Pt 4

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Chapter 33 – The Christmas Float Parade Pt 4

"OH MY GOD!" I angrily exclaimed from my spot high up in the artificial snow globe that the float parade council were making Landon and I wave to the public from." How much longer until we're done with this?"

"Only about twenty-five more minutes until you arrive at the end Your Highness," My assistant said from the walkie-talkie that was situated next to my head. "You see that golden banner at the end?"

I squinted my eyes as I focused on the banner. With so many other flashing lights in my eyes, it was hard to see anything. I could barely see the people smiling and waving up to us; albeit they probably could see me very clearly.

"Yeah, I sort of see it," I said concentrating my vision. "It looks way more than twenty-five minutes away though, more like forty-five."

"I guarantee you Princess, thirty minutes is the maximum time that you'll be up there."

"I just hope you're right," I said while looking at Landon's dozing figure. "Because Landon looks like he's about to pass out any moment now from exhaustion."

Upon hearing me call his name, Landon's eyes shot open and his head swivelled towards mine. "Huh? Did you say something Princessey?"

Now that I'm looking at him straight on, I can see the tiredness radiating off of him. His posture reminded me of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, his eyes were bloodshot red, and his skin seemed paler than it was a few hours ago; there is also the fact that he's not talking me to death anymore.

"Nothing Landon," I replied while weakly waving to the public. "By the way, we only have about twenty-five minutes left up here."

He immediately perked up after hearing that and sighed before continuing to wave. I pursed my lips as I stared at him a little more, trying to see what Racheal had found attractive in him. I mean sure, he is easy on the eyes I must admit, but the guy is a total airhead! I could understand if Racheal was an airhead as well, but she's very intelligent. Why would such an intelligent girl fall for such an idiot? Even if said idiot was attractive? Maybe it's different for other people, but I cannot date someone who probably can't say a random letter in the alphabet without singing it in their head!

"It makes absolutely no sense," I muttered to myself. "Unless Racheal is just book smart and a complete dunderhead when it comes to street smarts."

"You said something Princess?" My assistant asked.

I shaked my head. "Nothing just muttering to myself."

Man I'm so bored! I'm never doing this dumb float parade ever again! Not only do I have to wear this heavy (yet gorgeous) dress, but I also have to wave and smile for hours non-stop. I wonder if I'm getting paid for this?

"Hey," I called into the walkie-talkie. "Am I going to get some kind of payment for doing this?"

My assistant chuckled. "Your Highness, you don't get payment for doing charity work."

"This is too much work to not be getting some kind of payment."

"You are getting a payment, just not in cash," He said. "Look at all the smiling faces below you. They're so happy to see you, a princess of this proud nation, coming to generously celebrate this holiday with them instead of spending it however you wanted to. They feel happy to know that you chose to do this and spend time with them instead of your family."

I'd rather spend quality time with Satan before I'll spend time with those asshats!

"Pshh," I grumbled. "I'm only doing it because I wanted to come to Edensville and they needed a royal to partake in the parade."

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