Chapter 25 - Service

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Chapter 25 - Service

"Good Morning Alex!" Crimson's mom, Nia, smiles as I walked into the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great thanks!" I lied as I took a seat seat next to Apricot at the island. "Umm-Where is Crimson?"

I woke up this morning, completely alone in the bed with no trace of Crimson to be found. I'd figured he went to the bathroom or something so I stayed in bed and chatted to Arty on the phone for fifteen minutes. But even after then, he still hadn't come back.

"Don't worry sweetie!" Nia reassured. "I just sent him to the pharmacy to pick up my medication."

I wasn't worrying I just wanted to know where he was.

"oh, ok then. Do you know when he'll be back?"

"Maybe in about fifteen minutes," she glanced at the small, silver watch on her wrist. "Until then, would you like some breakfast? I made eggs and toast."


"Uh, I think I'll pass," I stared at the runny eggs and brunt toast that she'd sloppily placed on a paper plate for me.

She clearly felt offended and embarrassed because her face dropped a bit as she blew a stray strand of hair out of her chubby face. "Oh, alright then. I just thought that you'd want something in your stomach before heading out to the charity project today?"

I beg your pardon?

"Charity project?" I raised an eyebrow. "What charity project?"

"Didn't Crimson tell you!" Apricot exclaimed.

Obviously not.

"Every year, our family helps out at the Edensville Autism Awareness Foundation, who also has a float in this year's parade. They're having a fair today to raise funds." Nia explained.

"What do you mean helping out?" I asked.

"Just like selling items at the booth," Apricot munched on her breakfast. "Helping the kids, entertaining, you know, community service stuff."

"I came to Edensville to participate in the Christmas float, not "help out". I don't even want people to know that I'm here until the parade." I said brashly to them. "I"m sorry, but no, I don't want to partake in it."

Apricot giggled slightly as Nia laughed nervously at me. Did I miss the fucking joke?

"Didn't you know Alex? The royal or royals who take part in the Christmas float has to attend at least one of the charity events held by one of the medical foundations," Nia said.

"WHAT!" My eyes widened. "WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"As a heart attack," Apricot said nonchalantly.

And none of those fuckers at the palace thought it wouldn't be important for me to know this? Because if I had known, their was no fucking way I was volunteering to be in this shitty parade!

"Whoa, whoa, hang on just one damn second!" I held up my hand. "No one told me that I had to do that, so therefore, it is not my fault if I don't show up,"
They seemed genuinely appalled at my response; as if I had just crushed their entire worlds.

"Alex, I don't think you understand just how important your presence at this event is," Nia said. "These charity events leading up to the Edensville parade are broadcasted internationally. The entire world will be watching them all and if you're not seen in attendance to at least one, it'll not just look bad on you, but the entire royal family. You don't want your parents' reputation tarnished do you?"

Oh man if she only knew how badly I actually want that to happen! Hmm, maybe it'll be a better idea than I thought not to go to this thing!

"Actually," I started with a shit eating grin on my face. "I wouldn't mind-"
"She'll be going," Crimson's husky voice interrupted me as he waltzed into the kitchen with a plastic bag in his hand. "You're going to that charity event Alex,"

I scoffed. "Excuse me! Who are you, my father? You can't force me to go anywhere I don't want to!"

"Well considering that fact that I have Royal Privilege over you, I actually can force you to go anywhere!" He answered like the smart ass he is. "Come on, get dressed, I want to leave in thirty minutes,"
"I said I'm not going anywhere and I mean it Crimson!" I stomped my food childishly as I huffed.

He sighed dramatically before making his way over to me. "Guess I have no choice then."

"What are you talking about you bast-HEY! LET ME DOWN!" I screamed as he suddenly hauled me over his shoulder. "CRIMSON CROSS!"

"Go get ready guys!" Crimson said to his family as he walked through the small hallway with me slung over his shoulder. "Alex will be ready in a jiffy,"
"You better let me down Crimson or so help me I will-"

He suddenly set me down and used his hand to bring my chin near his face. "You'll what Curly? Hmm? Please do enlighten me."

Fuck. I'm feeling all tingly and shit again! Memories of last night came flooding back to me. Crimson getting so near to seeing the most private part of me will be forever engrained in my mind and damn, it's making me annoyingly nervous right now.

"I'll, I-I'll-" I stammered as my hands begun to feel clammy.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted my body so that we were now face to face; my feet dangling off the floor. "You know, I really love it when you get all flustered and submissive like this. It's a huge turn on for me."

Oh dear God! When he uses that husky tone with me, a tsunami happens in my panties!

Finally he locked his plump, red lips with mine and I kissed him back with vigor; as if I hadn't seen him in days. I felt him take a few steps and I realized that we were now in another room. Did he take us to the bedroom? Does he want to finish what he didn't get to last night? Oh God! That's totally what he wants! But I'm not ready for that yet! Will he be mad? What if he doesn't want to be mine anymore because I rejected his advances? What if he-

All of my previous thoughts were discarded when I felt icy water spraying onto my back; effectively soaking me from head to toe.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed as I broke away from Crimson's grasp and finally took in my surroundings. He'd taken us to the bathroom where he stepped into the bathtub and activated the shower. "Crimson, do you not see what you did? I'M FUCKING WET!"

But he just grinned at me before placing a quick kiss on my cheek and scurrying out the tub, leaving me in by myself. "Don't take long in the shower babe! I'll pick out something sexy for you to wear!"

That little shit!



Sorry about the very late update guys but like I said, it was hectic helping out with preparations for my country's independence day celebration. But it turned out to be fantastic! (Even thought it rained!)
Keep on Reviewing Beautiful People!

Peace Out!


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