Chapter 13 - Infiltration

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Chapter 13 - Infiltration

"I don't like the thought of you giving guys rides home," Crimson pursed his lips. "Especially that Lee kid, he seems like trouble,"

"Oh and you're not," I raised an eyebrow. "And his name's Lux,"

"See you even know his name!" He exclaimed. "Why do you have it memorized?"

"You sound like that crazy wife from the Statefarm commercial!" I laughed as I rested my legs on his lap.

"What are you wearing under your pajamas? Alex from Statefarm," Crimson smirked flirtatiously at me.

"None of your business you perv!" I smacked him with one of my throw pillows. "I thought you were here to get homework done, not unleash your perverted nature!"

"Why do I have to do homework and you don't,"

"I actually do have homework," I scratched my head. "But I choose not to do it, I mean, it's not like they can give me detention for it,"

"Yeah, but what if you actually do get detention one of this days," He raised an eyebrow at me. "Or even worse, what if you get detention with Lionel!"

"It's Lux," I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "And why do you keep on bringing him up? Are you jealous Crimson Cross?" I smirked.

He sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair. "Yes, I am,"

I was a bit taken back; I hadn't expected him to actually admit it. "O-Oh!" I stuttered. "I mean, he's just a kid, you don't have to be jealous about anything-"

"I DON'T CARE ALEX, ANYTHING COULD'VE HAPPENED TO YOU!" He suddenly boomed, making me recoil back in fright. What the hell? I didn't even say anything wrong!

After seeing my shocked face, his face softened and he ran a hand over his face. "Baby, I'm sorry I's just," He sighed. "You don't know that kid alright, you shouldn't let him get in a car with you,"

I was still stunned by his outburst that I hadn't even responded to him. He sighed deeply before pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply on the lips. When he felt me not kissing him back, he tugged on my hair slightly, which made me open my mouth in shock. He used that opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth and he gripped my waist even tighter. But even then, I did not kiss him back.

"Curly," He said pulling away and resting his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry I shouted at you. Please, I just don't want you to get hurt. I didn't mean to scare you. Please forgive me,"

"You didn't scare me," I mumbled. "Just shocked me as all,"

"She speaks!" He laughed lightly. "I'm so sorry-"

I quickly covered his lips with mine and wrapped my arms around his neck. He responded quickly by pulling me on top of him and running his hands down my sides. "Stop apologizing," I whispered breathlessly against his lips.

"But I-"

"Stop," I kissed him again. "I'm ok, you're ok, we're both ok, so let's just leave it in the past,"

"Doesn't that sound familiar," He said. "You've said that to me before. Is that a favorite saying of yours or something?"

"Something like that," I sighed. "Arty would say it to me after we fought. I would try to apologize and he would say it to calm my nerves, or make me feel less guilty I guess,"

"It still sounds weird to hear about you apologizing," He played with my hair. "I're you!"

"Gee thanks!" I said sarcastically.

"I mean that in a good way babe!" He grinned. "I think you are-"His previously smiling face suddenly turned serious as he slowly glanced around the room. His playful green eyes now sharp and calculating.

"What's wrong?" I touched his cheek.

"Shh," He placed a finger to my lips. "Do not make a sound!"

Now I was scared, he's never acted like this before. He wasn't normal, playful, perverted Crimson anymore, he was now in his guard mode! "Crimson?" I whispered but he shushed me again as he lifted me off of him and slowly stalked towards my balcony doors.

I nervously watched as he stood beside the door. When he pulled out a gun, my hand flew over my mouth. Why the hell does he have that out? Is an intruder outside? He peered outside and I saw the tiniest bit of shock cover his features. Oh no.

"Get under the bed!" He whispered harshly at me. "Now Alexandra!"

Frantically, I scrambled off of my bed and crawled underneath it, but I kept my head poked out just enough to keep Crimson in my line of sight. He kicked the doors open and fired two shots. My hands immediately covered my mouth in shock as I struggled to catch my breathing. WHAT WAS HE SHOOTING AT? WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?


Jesus take the wheel!

Shuffling could be heard from the balcony and a loud shriek left my mouth when I heard my glass door shatter.

"CRIMSON!" I shouted as I panicked. I assumed it was him that had been hurt and was worried. But I soon found out that it was not so.

A tall, muscular figure dressed in all black caught sight of my terrified form that was halfway out from under the bed. The only thing I could visibly see were the intruder's eyes which were a light gray. Almost as fast as lightening, he stalked over to me and was about to grab me by my hair when, another shot was fired. The intruder's gray eyes widened as his advances stopped. I slowly stared up in horror to see that a bullet had been fired straight through his forehead. His now limp body fell forward onto my bed as his blood stained my burgundy sheets.

"ALEX!" Crimson shouted as he ran over to me, his gun was still in his hand. "Are you alright?"

But I couldn't even answer him. I was trembling and my breathing turned ragged as I stared at the dead body on my bed. It had now dawned on me that this intruder was trying to kill me and hadn't it been for Crimson, it would've been me lying face down on my bed in a pool of blood.

"Curly," Crimson said pulling me into his arms. "I'm sorry you had to witness that,"

I looked up at him to see that he only a few minor scraped on his face and the sleeve on his uniform was torn; but he seemed fine other wise. I held onto his shirt tightly as I cried. Never in my life have I been so terrified!

"We've got to get out of here," He said lifting me bridal style into his arm. "Their could be more like him so I am taking you to safety,"

More? Their were more people out there trying to kill me? My crying had now turned into full on bawling as I cling to Crimson's shirt. He rubbed soft circles onto my shoulders as he hurriedly took me out of my wing. The palace alarms were now blaring and I could see the flashing red lights from outside.

We had been infiltrated.


Like, I don't even know what's going on in this chapter guys. I'm just as confused as you are.

I have some bad news! I won't be able to update tomorrow because I'm going to my awards ceremony!

But I'll be back to work come Thursday!

Keep on reviewing beautiful people!

Peace out!


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