Chapter 28 - Ages

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Chapter 28 - Ages

"Are you sure you don't want me to fly over there a few days early?" Pinky asked concerned. "I'll book the tickets right now."

After the whole ordeal with the press, Nia and I stayed a little while longer in Crimson's hospital room before she ultimately decided to go back home to stay with Gray and Apricot. They were only ten and fifteen respectively.

The news of Crimson's IED episode has now spread all across the world. Major news stations now treated as "breaking news" and they're replaying my interview with the press a thousand times! It's really getting annoying.

"Thanks Pinky," I smiled softly at her through the computer screen. "But I'll be fine. Besides, you should spend your Christmas with your family. I'm going to attend the float parade then head back to the capital that same evening."

She frowned. "I know you don't want to spend your Christmas in that gloomy castle."

"It's a palace,"

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes. "Crimson is going to want to stay with his family in Edensville for Christmas. But if you go back to the capital, he'll have to come with you."

"You're right," I ran my hand over my face. " But I've already caused his family unnecessary drama. I might ruin their Christmas then they'll hate me."

"You put Crimson in the hospital and they still adore you." She raised an eyebrow. "I don't think that's their is anything you can do to get them to hate you."

"I know!" I sighed frustrated. "But I just don't want...Pinky? What is that behind you?"

She quickly looked behind her and let out a light chuckle. "Oh, that's just Lux. He came to hang out earlier today and ended up crashing on my bed."

Lux! I haven't spoken to him since I left his house two weeks ago! Dear God, the shock and surprise and him being my half-brother rushed back to me and I began sweating bullets.

"You ok Alex?" Pinky leaned closer to the screen. "You look pale."

"No no!" I laughed nervously. "It's just that it's really cold in here!"

Jesus, that lie sounded so fake! But thankfully, Pinky didn't pick up on it. She has yet to know about Lux's relation to me and since those two have become so close, I decided not to tell her. Don't get me wrong, she is my friend and I do trust her, but not with a possibly life-threatening secret like this. I barely trust myself!

Pinky tugged on Lux's inky black hair which made him wake up and stare blankly into the computer's camera.

"Alex?" He said groggily. "Is that you?"

I gave him a small wave and a tight lipped smile. "Hey Lux."

His black eyes widened and he immediately perked up with a huge grin on your face. "Hey! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in ages!"

"I've been great," I said awkwardly. "What about you?"

"Good good!" He beamed. Why is he so smiley and happy.

"What's got you in such a happy mood?" I asked. "You never smile this much in a day."

His pale immediately turned scarlet and I knew it must have something to do with that Alice girl. "Remember the girl I beat up your brother for? Alice Pride?"

Yes I do remember the girl whom you beat up OUR brother for. "Yeah?"

"Well, I kinda asked her out and she said yes so we're going on a date tonight!" He grinned.

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