Chapter 31 - The Christmas Float Parade Pt 2

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:P Hey guys!

So I'm sort of back to this story (Kinda part-timing)

Follow me on Twitter: @Wonderstruck797


"Countess!" My assistant greeted. "He uhh-choked on a sandwich.

Countess. Fucking Countess!

That bitch actually had the fucking nerve to come near me? I was angry! I was livid!

Ready to tear her head off, I quickly whipped around to start my vicious assault, but I was given the shock of my life when I saw her face.


She smiled brightly at me. "Hello Alex!"

It wasn't Raven who was here, it was Rachel!

Chapter 31 – The Christmas Float Parade Pt 2

My previously murderous expression turned into one of shock and surprise as I gazed at the smiling face of my elder cousin.

"Rachel?" I looked at her incredulously. "What are you doing here? Why are you even here?"

She tilted her head to side, as if in amusement of my question. "I always attend the Edensville Christmas Float, I'm usually the royal that takes part in it. But when I heard that you will be heading the parade for the first time, I just had to come and see it for myself. You did a pretty good job up there by the way!" She complimented.

"Thanks...I guess," I warily looked at her.

Something doesn't feel right here. Rachel and I weren't on as bad terms as Raven and I, but we still weren't exactly "buddy-buddy". I used to curse and snap at her every so often, but she'd just immediately shut up and not retort back. Before now, she'd never made an attempt to come up and talk to me on her own, especially not with such a broad smile.

"He-Hey there Countessy!" Landon, who I forgot was standing next to me, dreamily sighed as he stared at Rachel in complete adoration.

She giggled like a school girl at him before tucking a lock of her ebony tresses behind her ear. "Hey," She smiled shyly.

I looked back and forth between the two, absolutely dumb-founded at the scenario that was unfolding before my eyes. It was obvious that Landon was very attracted to my cousin, who I have to admit is very beautiful, but I was more shocked at Rachel being attracted to Landon than anything else!

I've seen and unfortunately met a few of Rachel's past boyfriends, and they were all the same, Adonis looking geniuses who came from filthy rich heritage and had a certain playboy aura about them. Now, not that Landon isn't handsome, because he is in his own unique way, but the boy is stupider than my left shoe! It doesn't really seem like he comes from a rich family, and even though he's a flirt, he's also a sweetheart; like when a young boy tries to flirt with a grown woman, it's sort of cute.

"I'm Landon," He pushed passed me and stuck out his hand towards Rachel. "You're really pretty!"

Slowly grasping his hand in hers, she shook it as she continued to turn red as a tomato in the face. "Thank you, you're pretty handsome yourself! I'm Rachel by the way!"

"Rachel," Landon once again sighed moonily as he stared into her dark chocolate eyes. "That's a beautiful name,"

Oh God! This is disgusting! I feel as if I just stepped into some kind crappy teenage love story!

"Well, I'll let you two get acquainted," I faked smiled as I backed away from the dopey-eyed duo. "I'm going somewhere where you two don't disgust me,"

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