Chapter 16 - Memory

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Chapter 16 - Memory

My eyes shot open as I gasped for breath. My heart rate was out of control as I blinked rapidly to clear my vision, but it remained black and dark. My eyes were open, but I still couldn't see a thing; had I become blind?

"H-Hello?" I hesitantly said. "Pinky? Lux? Crimson?"But I received no response. I started to feel nervous as I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort.

"Mama," A small ,cherubic voice said.My head snapped up as I tried to trace where the voice was coming from. 

"Who's there?"

Suddenly, a door was creaked open and light entered my eyes. Tiny footsteps pattered on the ground till they stopped right in front of me. A small child, who looked no more than four grinned as her identical shiny blue eyes stared gleefully into mine. 

"Mama! Mama!" She nestled her face into knees as she wrapped her small arms around them.

"Mama?" I repeated, absolutely befuddled as I stared down at her thick, neck length sandy curls. "I'm not your mother,"

She stared up at me sadly as her bottom lip trembled. "Yo-You're not?" She cried.

I stooped down to her level and gently grabbed her tiny hands. "I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm not your mama. What are you even doing here all alone? Did you lose your mama?"

She shook her head slowly as she rubbed her eyes. "No," She sniffled. "Papa said that Mama was in here!"

"Well where is Papa now?" I questioned.

"He said not to disturb him because he's with his friend,"

"He left you alone to be with his friend?" I narrowed my eyes. "Your father sounds like a big stupid-head!"

A faint smile etched onto her face. "Yeah, my big brother Arty says that too!"

Did she just say Arty? "Ar-Arty?" I repeated confused. "Your brother's name is Arty?"

"Yeah!" She grinned. "He's the oldest and my favorite! But I have a big sister and two little brothers as well!"

She can't be..."What's your name sweetie?" I asked.

She beamed up at me. "Alex! And I'm a princess!"

I felt the blood leave my face and my throat became dry. Just where the hell am I?Now that I look at her more carefully, I noticed some characteristics about her. Our eyes were the same, our hair was the same. The freckles, the fingernail shape, the smile, even the arrow shaped birthmark on my neck!

"How old are you Alex?" I whispered.

"Four!" She held up four fingers proudly.

"Why aren't you at your lessons," I asked. Never can I remember me being alone at four years old. I had princess lessons with Grace everyday, all day.

Her face saddened as she pouted. "Papa says that a little bitch like me isn't capable of being a proper princess so he doesn't allow me to go,"

What? I don't know what's going on here. It's true that my father is the king of assholes, but he'd never said anything like that to me, at least not at such a young age!

"Take me to your Papa sweetie," My voice hardened.

"But he's gonna get mad at me again," She pouted.

I leaned down to her level. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let him do anything to you, I promise!"

She bit her lip and slowly nodded at me before gently grabbing my wrist and tugging down the corridor. As I looked around it, I realized that it was indeed a palace hallway, but the decor and structure was a bit outdated; it looked at least ten years old.

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