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Part I

School Years

➼  meet the marauders - "mind if we sit?"

➼  tutor session - "have you ever considered becoming a professor once you graduate?"

➼ prophecies - "you will soon meet with your true love,"

➼ R.J.L - "she'd fallen in love with Remus John Lupin."

➼ evie's letter - "damn that girl and her perfect smile."

➼ secrets - "we all get it, you're hopelessly in love."

➼ mulciber - "hand me my wand, i'll kill him myself!"

➼ the bet - "just when will those two get together?"

➼ amortentia - "quick, before your heart explodes,"

➼ to confess - "i smelled you."

➼ sneaking around - "pay up, mckinnon!"

➼ baby oliver - "he's my best friend, so you be nice to him, okay?"

➼ the order - "what happens when you both get killed?"

➼ falcon - "well, i thought that bit was pretty self-explanatory–"



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