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"Do you want some soup or not?"


August 1981

Ottery St. Catchpole

"Have you heard about what's happened to the Prewetts?" Sirius asked Evie, voice solemn.

"I did," Evie nodded, looking up from the stack of files Aberforth had sent her. The pages were all records of some known Death Eaters that were at large– Death Eaters that Evie, Remus and Sirius, as members of the Order, were supposed to help locate and capture.

"It's a shame, really," Sirius shook his head, leafing through another pile. "I quite liked them, they were good fighters." Sirius was staying with Remus and Evie for the time being. He didn't have a place of his own, and he'd been bouncing between the Order's safehouses and some friends' places.

"Their poor sister," Evie acknowledged. "Poor thing's really distraught, from what I heard. She's raising six kids, you know, not far from here,"

Sirius raised his eyebrows.

"Pregnant with another, too."

The door clicked open, showing Remus' tired face, carrying a paper bag. He'd left the flat to head to the farmers market down the road, promising to come back with something to eat.

Sirius started to raise his wand, but Remus held up a hand.

"Alea iacta est," Remus recited, causing the two seated to relax.

Evie and Remus had agreed that when they were home, they'd use a password to confirm that it was each other, rather than go threatening each other with wands so frequently. The latin phrase they agreed on had been the last password they recalled using to enter the Gryffindor dormitory in their seventh year.

"The old woman next door gave us some tomatoes," Remus pulled two out of the bag he held. "I didn't have the heart to tell her I just bought some at the market,"

Sirius gave him a look. "You mean the heart, or the patience?"

Neither Evie or Remus knew much about the old woman who lived down the hall from them– she spoke very little English, and had a thick Russian accent, which made it even harder to converse with her. They thought her name was Yelena because there was one time they caught the landlord (trying) to talk to her, referring to her as 'Miss Yelena.' The woman was kind to them nevertheless, offering them vegetables she grew on her little balcony, and warm smiles. Sirius had happened to apparate in front of Evie and Remus' door when Yelena was in the hallway, and had begun to swing her tiny purse at him, cursing at him in Russian. She must've thought he was a burglar or something, because since then, she gave him dirty looks and began talking lowly at him in her language.

"Oh, quiet, Sirius," Remus rolled his eyes. "Do you want some soup or not?"

"What?" Sirius retorted.

"Here, give me that, I'll help," Evie stood, reaching for the bag in Remus' arms. "I need a break from that bloody mess,"

"The records or Sirius?"

"Moony, I swear to Merlin–"

Remus laughed, Evie snickering to herself.

"Anyway, does anyone know what happened to the envelopes? I need to send Lily a letter back about Marlene–"

A blue wisp drifted through the front door.

The three stopped abruptly, watching it float to the living room.

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