we meet again

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"seems like we're the last ones, huh?"


September 1993

Classroom 6A

"That's an excellent question, Daphne. I was just getting to that. Unlike the other vowels, the letter E actually has three direct translations in ancient runology."

Third year Ancient Runes wasn't necessarily a difficult course to teach– it was more so that most students were entirely new to ancient runes as a general subject, and it was a little bit more difficult to introduce.

Luckily, the batch of third years in her second class of the day were very adaptive, and frequently raised hands to ask questions.

"But using three runes for one letter is deemed absurd in modern times. You get a lot of people saying–"

A shuffling in the corner of her eye disrupted her train of thought. Focusing her eyes on the doorframe, she nearly choked on the air at the figure standing there. She'd been so intently writing out a visual on the chalkboard, that she hadn't noticed a figure leaning against the open doorway of her classroom. Making eye contact, she found she knew those eyes well– the eyes of Remus Lupin.

The sight of the man made her stagger a bit– it felt like her heart had skipped a beat– and left her struggling to find words. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He had his handsome little devilish smirk upon his lips that told her that he must've been standing there for a good moment or two, listening in on her lesson. The gleam in his eyes that always paired with that smirk sent chills up her back, a sense of deja vu from moments in her memories that she had long forgotten.

She then realized that she was standing there, dumbfounded and staring at him, in front of her entire class of third years.

"Oh! Uh... hold that thought for just a moment– erm, will you please t-turn to... just read pages... oh, just– look like you're occupied," Evie shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts as she headed to the back of the room, over to Remus.

The truth was, Evie was scared out of her mind of talking to Remus again. The logical part of her brain was telling her that it was just Remus, he was the one person who knew her better than she herself did at times. But as much as she ached for his presence, the antsy part of her (the conscious part) told her that all that had been years ago. Who knew what Remus was like these days? And would he even be willing to speak to her again after so long?

She barely shoved the thought away when she met him at the door.

"Hello, Evie."

Her heart melted at the sound of his voice. She hadn't realized how much she'd ached to hear him say her name.

"Hi, Remus."

"How have you been?" He asked.

Evie could hear it in his voice– asking how she was wasn't at all what he wanted to be asking her. Merlin knows he had about a million other things he wanted to ask her about– just as she did him.

"I'm well."

Remus gave her a small smile.

"Listen, I've got a class to teach. I want to talk– really, I really do. But–"

"I understand," Remus reassured her. "I will come by after classes today, if that's alright?"

Evie smiled in return, hoping she didn't look like a total idiot in doing so. "That's perfect."

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