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"hand me my wand, i'll kill him myself!"


April 1976, Year 5

Gryffindor Common Room

It was another Thursday evening.

Gryffindors of all years were settled in the common room, some studying, some chattering, playing wizard chess, and several other various occupying activities.

Evie had been reading a book Remus suggested to her (and vice versa) when Sirius and Peter called her over, begging her yet again for homework help.

The evening had been peaceful until Lily Evans stumbled into the room through the portrait hole. Her face was buried behind her long jumper sleeves, her legs moving in a manner that showed uneasiness.

Letting out a sob, Lily fell into the person closest to her, who happened to be (to his own luck), James Potter.

"Hey, Li– oh, no," James' voice dropped as he realized she was sobbing. "Oh, no,"

"Lily!" Marlene shouted, launching herself off the couch, dragging a startled Dorcas Meadowes behind her.

"Bloody hell," Evie gasped, abandoning the mess of homework to dash over to her friend.

Nearly the entire common room had gathered around James and Lily, anxious to see what the commotion was.

James' eyes were wide in shock– no one had ever seen Lily Evans cry; not like this at least– and he had an arm around her, holding the redhead for support, trying to soothe her enough so she could explain the problem.

"Lily, what's happened?" Marlene asked, reaching for her hand. "We'd like to know, darling, just so we might be able to help you,"

Lily sniffed, trying to slow her hyperventilation. "It's not me," she hiccupped.

The Gryffindors exchanged confused looks.

"L–Lily, I'm not sure we follow," Remus tried.

The girl took a shaky breath. Evie watched painfully as Lily trembled in James' arms. "M–Mary," she whimpered.

"Lily, what's wrong with Mary?" James asked. "Where is she?"

"Mulciber," Lily managed, looking petrified.

The room felt as though it was shaking, given how extreme the volume of chatter became.

"WILL YOU LOT SHUT IT?" Dorcas frowned, hollering over the crowd in her loudest Chaser voice. "Merlin! Give the girl a bloody chance to talk, will you? Blimey,"

Sirius shoved Marlene out of the way, grasping Lily's arm. "What did he do to her, Lily?"

Evie watched Sirius' body language, fully aware of the pride he had in his house– he, out of anyone else in that room, would be the first to defend another housemate; especially from Slytherin.

Lily's lips trembled.

Evie's stomach dropped. If Lily Evans was having trouble merely saying what had happened, it couldn't have been good.

"Guys, I think..." Evie spoke up, meeting eyes with Lily. "I think we need to go to the Hospital Wing,"


Madam Pomfrey, agitated by the amount of visitors, had let some students into the Hospital Wing to see Mary, insisting that they stand back a few paces and keep quiet, as she was still in rest.

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