the sorting

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"the last of lily and james"


September 1991

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Evie assumed her spot at the staff tables. She was familiar with her position between Filius Flitwick and Aurora Sinistra, where she had a clear view of the students at their own house tables.

"Filius, that was a marvelous rendition, did you practice with the students over the summer holiday?" The Astronomy teacher leaned in, talking to the teacher on Evie's opposite side.

Evie turned to the Charms teacher, eager to hear his response.

"Oh, no, no," Professor Flitwick gave a bashful smile. "Those were returning students, you see– they were all in the Frog Choir last year, and so I wrote them asking if they'd like to perform in our welcoming feast,"

"It truly was fantastic, Professor, I was amazed at how–" Evie stopped, looking up as Professor McGonagall entered the Great Hall through the large doors at the opposite end where they sat.

"Oh– here come the first years!" Professor Sinistra smiled, grabbing onto Evie's arm.

She didn't get a very good look at their small faces before Professor McGonagall began talking, instructing one Susan Bones to take a seat under the Sorting Hat.

It passed fairly uneventfully– Evie had seen her fair share of Sortings– student after student sat on the stool, letting the Hat direct them down to a table. One blond boy in particular made Evie freeze momentarily; he so closely resembled a Death Eater whose face had been burned into her mind– he was undoubtedly a Malfoy.

But not even the spawn of Lucius Malfoy could compare to Evie's shock at the sight of who must be Hogwarts most famous student.

She spotted his messy black hair the split second before Professor McGonagall said his name.

"Harry Potter."

The entire Hall broke out into whispers. It really was the Boy Who Lived.

Evie did a double-take when she saw his face. Her heart nearly shattered at the sight of his eyes. Not his– Lily's.

"Harry Potter?"

"Is it really him?"

"Merlin's beard!"

Evie's eyes couldn't seem to look away, fixed on the boy just a few paces away from her. She'd only seen his face for a few seconds– but it was undoubtable, this was surely the son of Lily and James Potter.

"Evelyn?" Professor Sinistra to her right put a hand on her arm, "Are you alright?"

Evie tried to give a nod, her facing having gone white. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry."

She didn't know whether to cry or to rejoice. Harry was there, wearing the Sorting Hat (which was taking an unusual amount of time to decide where to put the boy). The boy who Evie had so desperately pleaded to care for all those years ago, the only one to have survived the killing curse, the last of Lily and James.

The last of Lily and James.

Her heart shattered to think that thought.

But she would dwell on the thought for no longer; there were people around, the student body, the entire faculty– Peeves was probably hiding behind some chair, waiting for the right moment to jump out and ruin everything. She couldn't think of her friends– the thought would make her cry, and she needed to maintain her composure. Especially with Severus just a few chairs down.

So, she didn't think about Lily and James. She didn't think about their sudden death, and she didn't think about how they were no longer breathing. She didn't think about how they didn't raise their child, or that the last time Evie saw them was nearly twelve years ago, or that she didn't even recall the last thing she'd said to them.

Instead, she occupied herself with another thought of very minor relevance. Would Harry Potter take Study of Ancient Runes?


Ysa Speaks: Note from the Director's Chair

Listen. I deeply, deeply apologize for the absolute lack of presence with this story. It gets hard to find motivation between school and obsessing over other fandoms (oops) but for the time being I am back to writing this one and am currently hard at work for new chapters!

The point I'm at with the plot is honestly tricky to write, I'm picking up from a point where the story feels kind of dead because there has been absolutely no "moony" and it's all "wood" but I PROMISE, things will be changing very soon ;)

Can't make promises on when chapters will be posted, as I'm currently revising and rewriting some bits as well as adding new ideas in, but I'm hoping they'll be out very soon!

Lots of love, Ysa <3

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