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"quick, before your heart explodes,"


February 1977, Year 6

Potions Classroom

"Alright now, students," Professor Slughorn waved his arms about in an attempt to settle down the rowdy class. "With Valentine's coming up next Monday, I thought it be only fitting that we should learn to brew the Amortentia potion today,"

The class erupted into fits of whispers.

"Now, now, in groups of two please."

"EVANS!" James called from the opposite corner of the room. "Be my partner?"

"Absolutely not," she responded. "I'm with McKinnon,"

Dorcas glanced at Remus, who had seemingly been paired up with Peter. Sirius, behind them, sent the Chaser a look of mild panic. She sent him a look in return that read 'don't worry, I'll handle it.'


At the call of her name behind her, Evie's head whirled around.

"Be my partner?"

She returned Dorcas' friendly smile. "Sure."


"Then that's–" Evie spared another glance at the textbook for the sake of it. "Twelve stirs clockwise. And then we're done!"

"My, Miss Wood, Miss Meadowes, exceptional work!" Slughorn remarked as he walked past. "Three points to Gryffindor!"

As the Potions professor moved along to critique James and Sirius' cauldron, the two girls shared a giddy smile.

Twelve clockwise stirs passed rather quickly, and nervousness of curiosity hit Evie. What would she smell? Would it be familiar– or an entirely new sensation?

"Right then," Dorcas placed the ladle she held onto the counter. "Who's going first?"

"You go," Evie insisted, wringing her fingers.

Dorcas nodded anxiously. "O–okay. Here goes nothing," She tried a smile only to look more panicked.

She edged closer to the cauldron at the speed of a snail. Once her nose hit the fumes, her face contorted into a look of deep concentration, eyes even squinting shut for a brief moment.

"Well?" Evie asked, eager.

"It smells..." Dorcas inhaled deeper, if possible. "I think it's... the smell of rain," another inhale. "Grape jam–"

And her face dropped.

"What?" Evie tugged on her friend's sleeve. "What is it, Dor?"

Dorcas backed away from the bubbling potion, avoiding Evie's eyes. "Roses. It's roses."

Evie's eyes widened. She stopped her voice low so as to not let their classmates hear. "Marlene,"

Dorcas nearly yanked Evie's arm off. "Evelyn!" she whisper-yelled. "I didn't say that!"

"You didn't have to, I did. Everyone knows Marlene's perfume smells like ro–"

"Stop!" Dorcas begged. "You didn't say it either,"

Both girls paused, sharing looks.

"Ev," the Chaser gazed deep into Evie's eyes. "You can't say anything,"

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