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"you will soon meet with your true love"


April 1975, Year 4

Gryffindor Common Room

"Okay," Marlene clapped her hands together. "You're probably wondering why I've gathered you lot here,"

Evie, Lily, Dorcas, Mary and Peter littered the seats in the Common Room at Marlene's order.

"I have– wait, where's Black and Potter?" The girl raised an eyebrow in Peter's direction, only to see James, having just entered the room, hoist Peter up by the arm. Sirius trailed behind the two.

"Leaving," James answered.

"What? Where are you–"

"We received word that Peeves upped us with a prank on McGonagall," James relayed.

"So we're gonna top him," Sirius grinned.

"What? No, you can't–"

"Sorry," Peter shrugged, arm held under James' grip. The fourth year Gryffindor girls listened as the portrait hole shut behind the three. Remus, who usually was with them, was in Professor Slughorn's classroom, having volunteered to help after a messy hour in the Potions lab.

Evie left the girls dormitory earlier with the intention of catching Remus once he was finished, only to be stopped by a desperate Marlene McKinnon.

"Well, at least I can rely on you four," she shrugged.

"I can't stay long, I'm meant to be at Quidditch practice in a half hour, you know," Dorcas sighed.

"Well, we'd better get a move on then." Marlene nodded. "As you know, I'm taking Divination this term, and I know last week I said it was the last time, but this time, I really mean it."

"Uh oh," Evie heard Lily next to her mutter.

"Anyway, the point is," Marlene continued. "I need to read your futures again."

All four girls, even quiet Mary, erupted into a wave of groans and complaints.

"Please!" Lily whined. "You told me I was meant to be in an accident!"

"Well, have you?"

"No! And that was four months ago!"

"Well, maybe it's yet to happen!" Marlene retorted.

"When you read my hands for palmistry, you told me I was supposed to die the next day," Evie reminded her with a frown. "Then we spent that entire Tuesday making sure nothing went wrong, right up until midnight,"

"You told me that my brother would betray me," Mary hollered.



"Okay, okay, okay," Marlene waved her arms around. "Yes, maybe my predictions haven't been entirely accurate, and yes, some of them have been... trying, but I still need to pass the blasted class and I can't do that if I don't try."

Lily sighed. "What unit are you working on now?"

Marlene reached into the box next to her, pulling out some teacups. "Tea leaves."

"Oh, Merlin." Dorcas buried her face in her hands.

"Yes, but," Marlene continued, passing the ceramic cups around. "Now that those idiots have up and gone, I need at least two of you to do an extra,"

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