professor lupin

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"How is that ever going to help you in your life?"


September 1993

The Great Hall

From the staff tables, Evie could make out Harry Potter, seated at the Gryffindor table with his friends.

Harry didn't know who she was, and she never dared speak a word to him in his two years at Hogwarts. Besides, it's not like she had any chance to– Ancient Runes was an elective for third years and up, and Harry had barely begun his third year at Hogwarts. Even so, Harry wasn't taking Study of Ancient Runes (Evie had already checked the list– twice to be sure).

"Now, before we begin the feast," Professor Dumbledore began. "I would like to introduce you to the new staff for this year. Our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,"

Evie raised her eyebrows, trying to look over the heads of teachers to spot who the new face would be. Perhaps someone she knew?

"Professor R. J. Lupin."

Then she spotted him, rising up from his seat, giving a shy nod.

Evie's heart forgot how to beat, and it felt like time stopped.



Her Remus?

There he was, just down the table from her. Remus Lupin. How had she not known of this beforehand?

Her eyes flicked straight back up to Dumbledore. The wink he gave her was so brief, she wasn't even sure he'd actually done it. This is how Dumbledore handled the situation– how better to help Remus find his footing than to hire him? The thought sent Evie's head into another spiral.

"We would like to wish Professor Lupin a warm welcome, and good luck through the events of this school year."

Remus was there. Right there.

She stiffly fidgeted in her seat. An entire year teaching with Remus a few floors away. Was she ready to talk to him again? She thought so often of sending him a letter or something, just to reconnect for old times sake (and because she couldn't bear how her heart ached just to hear his voice again), but then the sensible part slapped her in the face and told her that Remus has probably moved on from all that childhood nonsense and the events of the war. Lots could've happened in ten years.

They hadn't talked to each other in Merlin-knows how long– let alone looked at each other. How was she supposed to react?

It was like her brain was in overdrive, forgetting how to think straight. It was too sudden, too unexpected.

It felt like ages had passed before Remus finally sat back down. Once the attention was shifted off of him, Evie strained her eyes to focus in a different direction. 

Don't look at him. Don't make it obvious. Be cool. 

The only panicked thought that could materialize in Evie's head was the wonder if he had seen her too.

One week later

Evie's quill scratched loudly against the parchment.

The teacher was in the library, copying something down from an old book she'd found on the relativity of ancient runes and charms– enchanting runes to transfigure when read aloud. It was a minor thing she thought she'd cover in class the next day.

"Hermione, are you really taking Ancient Runes? You know that's a useless class anyway, how is that ever going to help you in your life?"

Evie deadpanned, rounding the corner to see who'd said the statement. "Useless? Who says it's useless?"

The three students whirled around at the voice. The two boys merely stared in shock, the girl giving one an elbow.

"Way to go, Ron!" Hermione grumbled under her breath. "Harry, Ron, this is Professor Wood." she said. "The Ancient Runes professor."

The red-head, Ron, fumbled around as his face reddened to the shade of his hair, as if trying to find his words. "Right– erm, I meant– I didn't mean–"

"Ancient rune translation happens to be an extremely effective skill to have, if I do say so." Evie nodded, stern. Noticing the looks of nerves on the three's faces, she gave them a light smile. "Although, I suppose you have a point. It can be tedious."

Ron let out a relieved sigh, and Hermione let out a toothy grin.

"Weasley, I presume?" Evie asked.

The boy made a face. It seemed to him that everyone knew of his family– red-headed and just managing.

"Yeah," he sighed. "How'd you know?" He asked, rhetorical and gloomy.

Evie merely shrugged. "I taught some of your brothers," she explained. "You remind me of Charlie."

Ron bit back a surprised smile– to be compared to Charlie out of everyone felt like the biggest compliment. Being a genius dragon-trainer gave Charlie a spot on Ron's list of coolest people he knew– besides, of course, his own best friend.

"Oh, Professor, this is Ron, and that's–"

"Harry Potter," Evie nodded, presenting a smile that hid the sorrow in her voice. "Of course."

Harry gave a stiff smile in return, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. Everyone knew the Boy Who Lived.

"I knew your parents," she continued. "Lily and James. I knew them quite well, actually."

The boy's eyes lit up. "Really? How'd you know them?"

"I went to school with them. We were all Gryffindor house, like you three," she smiled, reminiscing. It was easy to think about her school years. The short few years following them, not so much. She kept going before she could continue down that road. "It was a whole group of us, in our year. We were all good friends."

Harry let out a genuine smile. He began to say something, but Evie wasn't quite sure what, as he was interrupted by an 'Ow' behind them, following a loud thud.

Behind the three students, Professor Lupin was carrying a stack of books, and was struggling to pick up another thick one he'd dropped on his toe.

"Oh, Professor! Here," Hermione went over, bending down to pick up the book he'd dropped.

"Ah, thank you, Hermione," Remus grunted, adjusting the stack of books he was carrying.

Harry gave the books a raised eyebrow. "Potions? What're you reading about potions for?"

The teacher shifted on his feet. "Uh– y'know. I hear Professor Snape may be absent for a time, and I was looking to see if I might substitute."

The students nodded, Harry and Ron sharing a grin over the idea of Snape being away.

"Anyway, I'm sorry to have disrupted your conversation–"

"Oh, it's no worry, Professor, we were actually just talking to–" Hermione turned around to gesture to the Ancient Runes teacher, only to find that she was gone. She glanced between her two fellow Gryffindors. When did Professor Wood vanish?


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