on the sixth floor

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"as teacher for the study of ancient runes course, professor e. m. wood."


September 1982

The Great Hall

"I have a few additional announcements to make," Dumbledore announced, voice traveling to every corner of the Great Hall. "Firstly, to our first year students, please know that it would do you well to keep in mind that the Dark Forest is off-limits to students of all years, unless you wish to face the severe consequences, which can, of course, include death."

Evie tried not to laugh at the mortified faces of the first years at the front of the tables. The older students seemed unbothered– it wasn't their first time hearing the speech.

"Furthermore, it is my pleasure to introduce you to our new teachers this year," Dumbledore continued, "Firstly, we have Professor S. E. Kettleburn, who will be conducting the Care of Magical Creatures course this year,"

Down the table, Evie noticed a man with silver hair rise to stand, giving a wave to the students seated at the large tables.

"And after Professor Murke's abrupt retirement last summer, as teacher for the Study of Ancient Runes course," Dumbledore gestured in Evie's direction. "Professor E. M. Wood,"

Professor Binns next to Evie motioned for her to stand, and she rose to her feet, giving a kind smile.

"Good luck to the new Professors as they navigate this school year." Dumbledore smiled. He lifted his arms into the air. "And now, without further ado, let the feast begin," with a flick of his wrists, the tables filled with platters of food, warm and inviting.

Evie smiled to herself. Sure, she'd been teaching just a few months ago, but this time, it felt like she was truly meant to be there.

Her first class of the day was fifth year Study of Ancient Runes.

Evie had spent the two days preceding the students arrival trying to make her classroom and office feel more comfortable. It was a tiring walk to classroom 6A, which was accordingly on the sixth floor and required six flights of changing staircases, so Evie set out determined to make the journey worthwhile, and have a welcoming classroom to those who attended.

The room felt ridiculously stuffy– it always had, for as far back as she could remember. She started by removing the horrendous drapes that covered the large windows, which were covered in a thick layer of dust. Getting rid of those made a significant difference; the natural light shining through the stained glass windows gave the dingy room a new look Evie hadn't pictured before. The six round tables that crowded the room were the same as when she was a student, each holding four wooden stools for the students to sit in.

A wave of nerves hit her in the guts– sure, she'd taught before, but this was her classroom. She wasn't just filling in for three months because the last teacher was sent to the hospital. But then she realized: her first period was the fifth years. She'd taught a good handful of fourth years the year prior– maybe she'd see some familiar faces in the desks before her?

At 9:00 on the dot, a good nineteen stools were full.

Glancing around, Evie let out a relieved sigh. Right at the front and center table sat Malcolm Flaherty, Harriet Runcorn, Iain Fittle, and Delaney Higgs.

The four gave her matching grins. They knew how eloquent of a teacher the woman was– especially in Ancient Runes.

Evie returned a relieved smile. Seeing their faces made her feel better, reassured.

"Alright, class." She began, walking around to the front of her own teacher's desk to lean back against it. "If you don't know me, I'm Professor Wood. I will be teaching you Ancient Runes this school year. And if you do know me," she snuck a glance at the four in front. "It's nice to see you again."

Delaney nudged Malcolm, flashing a toothy smile in excitement.

"Now, I want to establish a good foundation for which you'll work on this year. Ancient runes aren't just silly lines that people used thousands of years ago– they are actually..."


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