the bet

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"just when will those two get together?"


November 1976, Year 6

The Great Hall

Evie burst through the doorway of the Great Hall, clutching an envelope in her fist. She practically sprinted to the Gryffindor table, dodging passing students as she made a beeline for the sixth years' usual spot.

Upon spotting the girl, the others drew their attention towards her.

"Woah, Wood," Sirius exclaimed, seeing the wide grin on her face. "What happened, Snivellus' pants caught fire?"

Ignoring his remark, Evie shoved herself on the bench between Marlene and Lily, launching the envelope into the red-head's hands.

"I got the owl this morning," she panted, watching Lily pull out the envelope contents carefully. "Celine had the baby!"

Lily pulled out the moving picture, and she and Marlene burst into fits of squeals and coos.

"Oh, that's great, Evie!" Dorcas smiled, patting her hand. "What's the baby's name?"

"His name is Oliver, and– I know, isn't that cute?– and– Remus! Look!" Evie practically leapt out of her seat upon the boy's entrance to the Great Hall, dashing off in a run towards him after snatching the picture from Marlene.

"There she goes." Marlene sighed. The group watched from across the hall as Evie began chattering excitedly beside Remus, who was happy to see her in such a joyful mood.

"'Oh, Remus! I love you so much, you with your ruggedly handsome scars and your genius brain!'" Sirius fake-mocked. "But seriously– and I am Sirius–" he joked. "Just when will those two get together? We've all watched year after year they play the best friend act, but we all know they love each other."

"He's got a good point," Lily nodded. "But I really don't see them getting together until we're out of school this summer,"

James' jaw dropped. "You can't possibly think it would take them that long!"

"Have you met them, Potter?" Lily rebounded. "Those two carry the same level of shyness– there's no way they're admitting their feelings for a long time."

James tsked. ""Marlene, where do you stand in this?"

The girl scoffed. "Forget summer, I'm betting on next year!"

"Bet..." Sirius muttered. "Why don't we bet on it, then?" He flashed a mischievous smile. "A galleon each– winners divide among themselves."

"You're on." Marlene jabbed. "Lily?"

"That's a bet I'd be willing to take."

"Dorcas, how 'bout you?"

The Chaser shrugged. "Might as well."

Sirius quickly glanced at two of his fellow Marauders, both of them nodding eagerly.

"Excellent. Now–"

"Wait– should we get Mary in on this too?" Peter asked, pointing over to the Hufflepuff table where the girl sat with her friends from the other house.

"No." Lily shook her head. "She won't want to bet, trust me,"

"She wouldn't even bet on which house would win the Quidditch match last week." Dorcas nodded.

"Anyway– where were we?" Sirius clapped his hands together. "Placing the bets. Marlene, you said next year?"

"Yes, and I'm quite confident with that one."

"Great and Lily–"

"Over summer break."

"I agree with her," Peter stated simply.

"Are you mad?" James gasped.

Peter shrugged. "I don't see Remus doing anything while we're at school– not when he's got his whole prefect thing and his perfect grades–"

"Yeah, yeah," Sirius swatted the idea away, still taken aback by Peter's bet. "James, you say–"

"I say this year, before summer."

"Right, and I'm with you on that one." Sirius nodded, keeping a mental tally of who bet where. "And Dor?"

The girl hesitated. "I think... this year.'

"What?" Marlene's face dropped.

"Have you lost it, Meadowes? It's Evie we're talking about here!" Lily gaped.

"I know," Dorcas shrugged. "But still. I have a feeling."

"Well, then it's settled." Sirius smiled. "We each put a galleon on the line, and the rest is up to the lovebirds."

The students looked up to see Evie and Remus gone, as teachers had begun ushering students out, instructing them to head to class.

The Gryffindors followed suit, gathering their belongings to head to Slughorn's Potions class. Before she could leave however, James and Sirius pulled Dorcas aside.

"Why'd you bet with us?" James asked. "Was it really just a feeling?"

Dorcas sighed, struggling to conceal a smile. "I talked to Slughorn earlier this year,"

"And? What's he got to do with anything?" Sirius asked, an incredulous look on his face.

"He says that we're brewing Amortentia in February," the smile Dorcas was struggling to hide was adamant on her face, her lips tugging upwards.

"The love potion," James' eyes lit up.

Dorcas nodded. "And I'm positive they'll–"

"Smell each other!" James finished, laughing in disbelief.

Sirius slung an arm around the girl's neck, walking down the hallway to finally make their way to class. "Dorcas," he sighed. "You bloody genius."


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