evie's letter

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"damn that girl and her perfect smile."


December 1975, Year 5

The Great Hall

Remus sat, Daily Prophet in hand, with his fellow Marauders, James, Sirius, and Peter.

After Sirius explicitly explained that he couldn't stand returning to the House of Black for the holidays, the others decided it would only be right that they stayed back too (he had told Regulus a Happy Christmas, but left it at that, deeming his own parents and their house elf undeserving of one).

They had had the courtesy of asking the girls if they would stay as well, but they knew their families missed them and expected them home for the holidays (or in Mary's case, she was just homesick). This was especially true for Evie, who was to attend her brother's wedding over the break.

Remus had made sure to write to Evie– to keep her up to date with what went on at the school while she was gone; which wasn't much other than the occasional prank on unsuspecting teachers.

Evie, of course, wrote back, telling her best friend of what happened at home.

And it was Evie's letter that Remus was waiting for as he sat in the Great Hall at breakfast, hardly caring for whatever it was James and Sirius were conversing over.

At the sight of three owls swooping through the roof, Remus set down the newspaper, eager to read what Evie had written for him.

The Woods' family owl, Artemis, spotted Remus– who at this point, she was very familiar with– and made a beeline to his spot. The two owls trailing her flew off to students at other tables.

Artemis made an elegant landing at the Gryffindor table and dropped an envelope addressed to 'R. Lupin' before the recipient.

Remus took the letter in gratitude and gently stroked the owl's wings. "Thank you, Artemis,"

The owl cooed in response. She was a very loving and loyal owl, Remus knew, in comparison to James' owl who bit your hand if you put it too close.

The owl lingered a moment, as if in wait.

"Oh," Remus understood. "No, I don't have anything to send yet." he told the bird. "You can fly on to the owlery now. I'll send her a letter back later."

As if she understood perfectly, Artemis gave an affirmative hoot as she pushed herself up and flew away, out of the Great Hall through the ceiling.

Remus took the envelope and eagerly ripped it open to reveal the contents. Inside sat a letter, which he quickly identified was written in Evie's neat cursive, and two photos.

The letter read:

My dearest Remus,

Hello again! I'm hoping this letter finds you well– and the same goes for the other three with you.

I'm glad to hear that you lot have been able to visit Hogsmeade frequently– I'd hate to be stuck in the dorms for the entire holiday break.

Jace's wedding was yesterday! It went very smoothly, and both of them were happy with the outcome. My sister and I were made out to be Celine's bridesmaids– which I was really anxious about. Gwyneth was just excited, and she was really excited about dressing up fancy.

Speaking of, I'll enclose a picture of my family at the reception. As you can see, I was quite fussy over the dress I was put in.

The second photo was taken on my mum's muggle camera. I told Sirius I'd show him what muggle pictures look like, so if you could have him see, I'd be grateful.

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