tutor session

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"have you ever considered becoming a professor once you graduate?"


November 1973, Year 3

Gryffindor Girls Dormitory

"Evie, will you be joining us after supper?" Marlene asked the girl sprawled across her bed, as she rummaged through her trunk.

"Where are you going?"

"We're going out to Hogsmeade before bed," Dorcas answered from the armchair.

Evie gave a sorry look. "I would, but I promised Sirius I'd help with Ancient Runes,"


Earlier that Saturday, the boy had not-so-sneakily followed the girl to the library. He'd been hiding behind the bookshelf behind her when she rolled her eyes, having enough.

"Sirius, I know you're watching me," she tsked before turning around. "You can come out now."

Sirius' head of unruly hair popped out from around the shelf. "Evie! What a surprise to see you here!" he exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes again, restraining a smile. "What do you want?"

The boy gasped, feigning offense. "What? What makes you assume I'm here to ask you for something? Can't I just be here to read?"

Evie gave him a look.

"Y'know, come to think of it–" Sirius held his arms out in a shrug. "I do actually have a favor to ask of you,"

"Spit it out, Black."

"Fine, fine," Sirius eye-rolled. "I was hoping you'd help me with Ancient Runes,"

Evie raised an eyebrow. "Can't you just ask Remus?"

Out of their fellow third year Gryffindors, Remus was by far the go-to for school work. Homework help, essay help, studying tips, you name it. Besides, Remus was Sirius' best friend– as such, shouldn't he go to him rather than Evie for help?

"I tried!" Sirius explained, an exasperated look on his face. "But he droned on and on about how he's already helping me with History," he sighed. "And Transfiguration," he added. "And Potions. And–"

"Well, how about James, then?" Evie cut him off, unwilling to hear Sirius list every class he was enrolled in.

"James is no help, he copies off of Remus anyway,"


"--And don't even mention Peter. Yes, we all love him, but do you really think he'd be any help in this situation?"

Evie blinked. "Fair point."

"So?" Sirius asked, wide-eyed with despair. "Will you help me?"

The girl considered the idea briefly, tugging on her scarlet and gold tie as she let out a sigh.

"Fine. I'll help you. But you owe me."

Before Sirius could let out a cry of relief, Evie gave him a set of instructions. "Meet me in the common room at eight, bring your homework and a quill. And don't be late." she wagged a finger at his nose.

"Thank you– thank you so much, Evie, I'll be there, eight o'clock, I promise!" Sirius dashed away, sprinting out of the library, presumably to brag to James that he'd gotten someone to give him help.

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