baby oliver

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"he's my best friend, so you be nice to him, okay?"


July 1977

Turtle Shore Cottage

Soon enough, it was summertime.

As much as Evie loved to be at school with her friends, there was something about the summer that she found irresistible. Maybe it was because she didn't have to worry about schoolwork, or maybe it was because she finally got to be with her family– but it was probably because of Turtle Shore.

Turtle Shore wasn't the actual name of the beach the Woods' cottage was in– but Jace had once claimed he saw a turtle wash up (his parents doubted this– turtles didn't usually come up that far east), and since then, the beach had earned the label 'Turtle Shore.'

The Woods usually spent a week or two at a time at their cottage, just to escape from home. It wasn't much– three small bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a cramped sitting room– but it made for one happy family. Jace had long moved out of the Woods' house in Puddlemere, and subsequently, out of Turtle Shore, but came around for visits with his own family from time to time.

It was mid-July when Evie sent Remus an owl, asking if he'd like to visit Turtle Shore for a weekend.

Remus quickly replied back, accepting the invitation. He'd been there twice before– two weekends the two summers prior, and enjoyed being there with the family.


"Oh, Remus!"

The boy watched as the door to the cottage swung open, revealing a happy Mrs. Wood. In a quick second, he was wrapped up in her embrace, inhaling the familiar scent of the cottage.

"Hi, Mrs. Wood,"

"It's been too long! How are you– how was the trip? Were your grades good this semester?"

Remus blinked, unsure which question to answer. "Uh, good– all good."

"In, in, come in." Mrs. Wood waved her hands, gesturing him inside.

The cottage was the exact same as it had been the year before– same teal-painted wooden paneled walls, same childhood photos of the three Wood siblings as they grew up– and a new one at the end of the hall, a framed image of baby Oliver.

"Ah, Remus." Mr. Wood gave him a cut nod. "Let me take your things upstairs–" he waved his wand, leading the bag up the stairs to the bedroom where he'd be staying.

Mrs. Wood rolled her eyes, giving her husband a soft smile. She was a muggle, Remus knew, but she'd taken great interest in the wizarding world, eager to learn more about her husband's background, and more than willing for her children to partake in this reality.

"Evie's just out back," She told Remus. "She's been waiting for you all morning, you know," she gave him a look.

He let out a chuckle, willing for his face not to tinge pink. "Thanks,"

He tuned out whatever Mr. Wood was saying to his wife, eager to see Evie. He followed the path of the hallway to the kitchen overlooking the beach, and made his way through the backdoor.

He didn't see her at first because she was sitting against a tree facing the water, yards away from where he stood. She sat on a quilt, her legs crossed under her favorite pair of purple shorts. Beside her, Remus could make out another muggle book– the Wizard of Oz– that she had recommended to him back in their third year. He'd read it of course, after hearing that it was one of her favorites.

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