sneaking around

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"pay up, mckinnon!"


March 1977, Year 6

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

After short discussion, Remus and Evie had quickly agreed on how to deliver the news of their relationship to the other Gryffindors– they wouldn't.

The two were walking back to the Gryffindor dormitory after their duty of hallway patrol as prefects. The two held hands– the corridors were empty, and they didn't need to worry about any of their friends or teachers seeing.

"What'll we tell the others?" Evie asked, voice low. Any louder of a pitch, the noise would've bounded up and down the corridor in an echo.

Remus had contemplated the thought before. The rest of their classmates would be shocked– astounded, probably– of the news. He knew all of them, not just the Marauders, had been pushing for the two to become an item for years.

"What if we don't?" he offered, surprising himself with the question.

Evie's brows furrows. "We don't tell?"

"Yeah," Remus shrugged. "We keep it a secret."

Evie paused to consider the idea. It was mischievous– like something James and Sirius would do. Then it hit her. "We see how long we can go before they find out,"

Remus smiled, nodding. "Yeah,"

Evie smiled in return.

Marlene might kill her later for not telling her, but the fun would be worth it, she thought.


It started out pretty easy.

Sneaking around behind the others' backs proved a simple task for Evie and Remus– simple things like hand-holding under tables, walks through the corridors during hallway-patrol were easy enough to hide from the others' eyes.

But as time passed, they found it a harder and harder secret to maintain.

The two tried planning trips together to Hogsmeade, but that was practically impossible when someone insisted on tagging along every time. Lily began to notice that Evie was taking longer and longer to return to the dorms after prefect duty every Tuesday night– the one night she was scheduled with Remus. Even just sitting in the common room together was beginning to cause a commotion– they never seemed to not sit with each other anymore. Where one went, the other followed– and it was beginning to raise eyebrows from each of their friends.

"I don't like the looks of this," Marlene mumbled to Lily one Wednesday morning in Transfiguration. It was the fifth time that Remus had moved to sit next to Evie, forcing Dorcas next to Peter. "You don't think they...?"

Lily frowned, stealing another look at the pair, laughing together about something as they worked. "I don't know." She ripped out the corner of a piece of parchment, scribbling something on it before whirling around to face James and Sirius' table rows behind them, holding it up for the two to see.

Sirius quickly caught on, glancing up at McGonagall's desk at the front of the room to make sure she wasn't paying attnetion before aiming his wand at the note in Lily's fingers, making sure to conceal his wand under his desk. "Accio,"

Sirius and James ducked their heads together as they read what Lily had written– to meet in the courtyard at lunch. The two simultaneously looked back up at Lily, who then gestured to Evie and Remus' desk with her eyes. The boys caught on quickly, nodding before handing the note to Peter and Dorcas beside them.

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