into hiding

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"Who knows when we'll see each other again?"


November 1979

Ottery St. Catchpole

Evie and Remus sat in the dingy living room of their tiny flat.

The two had spent nearly four weeks apart before that night. First, Evie was sent out on a mission by Aberforth Dumbledore, who had her apparate to the outskirts of Southwold where it was rumored that a number of Death Eaters were gathered, scheming their next attack. She'd spent almost the whole two weeks in her animagus form, hiding in trees far above the ground. Shortly after she left for Southwold, the full moon hung high above the sky of Ottery St. Catchpole, and Remus spent the entirety of that deep in the forest, ensuring he was far away from humanity during his werewolf phase. Evie returned home not long after Remus was sent on a mission, instead traveling to London for Ministry information.

Evie was in bed when Remus returned late at night, tired and weary. Evie rushed straight to his arms, holding him tightly and wishing to never let go. She couldn't stand the thought of going back to sleep– she was wide awake now. So rather than sleep, the couple stayed awake on the couch, talking as they held each other tightly. They hadn't been able to write while they were away, therefore hadn't communicated once in four whole weeks.

"Did you hear that Sturgis Podmore broke his shin?" Remus asked, subconsciously rubbing the side of Evie's leg.

"I didn't,"

"Nearly snapped the whole thing in half, trying to chase down Evan Rosier– you remember him? From school?"

Evie hummed. "Yeah. Slytherin house." She hadn't had many interactions with Rosier, who had been a year or two above her– but she knew him well enough to know that he hung around with Mulciber, Avery, and Snape. "Is Sturgis okay?"

"I saw him three days ago. Wound up in St. Mungo's and kicking himself for being there rather on the field."

"With his good leg?" Evie let out a small laugh, earning another in return from Remus.

It was then that a knock came at the door. Evie and Remus quickly shared a nervous look. They had just been reunited mere minutes ago– who could possibly be at the door at three in the morning? In these times, Evie knew, anything could be bad. But at the same time, she doubted a Death Eater would knock before entering.

The two stood, wands ready in hand, as Remus approached the door.

"Who is it?" He hollered, knuckles white from how tightly he held his wand.

"It's Sirius! Open up!"

Evie and Remus shared another look, this one with raised eyebrows. Sirius?

Remus quickly threw the door open, his wand poking into Sirius' Adam's apple.

"Quickly now," Remus muttered. "Who came up with the prank we pulled on Meadowes?"

"The one with the broomstick, or the– ow," Sirius groaned. Remus' wand pressed tight onto his throat.

"Yes." Remus answered, eyes narrowed.

"That was Peter's idea," Sirius managed. "And his only decent one at that. It was a good one too, if it earned Meadowes screeching at us for hours after."

Remus relaxed, shoving his wand back into his pocket. "Sorry, Sirius."

It was a precaution Mad-Eye Moody had instilled. His years of working as an auror had taught him not to trust those around you, even if they wear the face of one you love. He taught the members of the order to interrogate one another upon meeting, to ensure that it wasn't the tricks of the Polyjuice potion being played.

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