professor wood

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"you'll do wonderful, wood, i have no doubt."


April 1982

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Alright, students," Professor McGonagall waved her arms about, signaling for quiet from the mix of fourth years.

Evie shifted in her heels. The action, luckily, had been hidden by the long skirt of her dress. She wanted to look professional– like she knew what she was doing. Even if she didn't have the slightest clue how to lead a class.

The mix of students quieted, turning to listen to their Transfiguration professor.

"As I'm sure you've all heard," McGonagall continued. "Professor Hemsley has been seriously injured by a dugbog last week, while presenting the creature to his sixth-year students,"

Evie tried not to laugh at McGonagall's bitter tone.

Dugbogs were fairly harmless– the worst one could expect is a bite to the ankle. Hemsley, the 'blithering idiot' as McGonagall had referred to him, had stepped on its claw unknowingly, earning his entire foot to be bitten off. He was promptly sent to St. Mungo's– Madam Pomfrey didn't even bother taking a look.

A handful of students snickered.

"In the time being, seeing as your professor is currently unavailable, I would like to introduce you to Professor Wood here." She gestured to Evie behind her, who gave a kind (yet extremely nervous) smile.

Evie had written to the headmaster, explaining her desire to teach. She knew that being halfway through the school year, it was unlikely that she'd get a job on the spot, but still hoped that it would put her on the list for next year's staff. Luckily for her (and Dumbledore, who was keen on hiring her), the Care of Magical Creatures position had suddenly been opened, and Evie quickly jumped at the opportunity.

"She will be filling in Professor Hemsley's position until further notice. Now, I will hand things over to you, Professor Wood–" McGonagall turned to leave, stopping beside Evie. "Careful of that Flaherty there. He's a bit of a... James, that one, if you know what I mean," she dropped her voice low. McGonagall gave her a warm smile. "Good luck. You'll do wonderful, Wood, I have no doubt."

And just like that, McGongall was gone, headed back to the school to do some markings.

Evie took another deep breath.

"Um... hello." she started. "Like Professor McGonagall said, I'm Professor Wood. I–I understand that Professor Hemsley has just finished a unit on kneazles, yes?"

A few students nodded.

"What'll you be teaching us next then?" A boy in the front asked. "Bowtruckles? Something pansy like that?"

A boy next to him laughed, elbowing him as a way of saying 'good one.'

"Not bowtruckles. Though, they are rather sneaky things when it comes to it," she considered.

"What is it we'll be studying then, Professor?" a small Hufflepuff with wide, round spectacles asked, curiosity edging her voice.

"We'll be learning about nifflers." Evie smiled. "Can anyone tell me what the most well-known thing about a niffler is?"

"They are attracted to shiny things," another student answered.

"That's right. Now, my niffler here– oh, my– where did she go?" Evie turned around in place, looking for the small creature. Not even moments ago, the niffler was clutching onto her shoulder, playing with an old necklace. At last, Evie found the animal crawling towards her on the ground.

"There we are– class," she picked up the animal, gently using her arms as a cradle. "This is Polly."

"Nifflers?" The boy in the front spoke again, incredulousness lacing his voice. "Really? Pitiful things, they are," he laughed.

Evie eyed the boy. The tie he wore around his neck was scarlet and gold– Gryffindor colors. "Flaherty, is it?"

The boy took a slight step back, looking startled. "How'd she know my name?" he whispered to the boy beside him, who gave an equally startled shrug.

"I'll have you know that Polly isn't pitiful– in fact, if anything, you're the pitiful one."

A few students jeered, sending Flaherty looks.

"How– how am I pitiful?" the boy tensed, shifting uncomfortably.

"Well, for starters, Polly's gone and taken your watch, hasn't she?"

The boy's wrist flew up, bare. The students around him laughed, including his Gryffindor friend beside him. Flaherty's stunned gaze suddenly changed– a look of impression upon it.

Evie smiled, tickling the niffler as she pulled the silver watch out of Polly's pouch, walking over to hand it back to Flaherty.

"I'm Malcolm." The boy let out a small smile.

Evie smiled back. She'd broken the walls of a student, and she was proud of it. That would just be the start of her relationships with her students. "A pleasure, Malcolm. Would you like to hold Polly?"

Malcolm gave a nervous look which was quickly replaced with another smile. "S–sure."

Evie gently placed the Polly in the student's hands, watching as she sniffed before burrowing herself into his palms.

"Hold on to your necklaces, everyone." Evie advised. "Nifflers get pretty greedy with things like that. Now, not a lot of people know, but when they're born, a niffler's fur often varies from that of its mother..."


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