7. Survival Game

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Aruna POV

After Robin came out of the ruins, suddenly a man eating an apple was sitting at one of the ruins. "Are you the Enel?" I asked the man.

"I'm God, you low life...Wait, no one mentioned there is someone with black wings here. What are you?" He kept his eyes staring at me.

"Doesn't the God know everything? How come you don't know what I am?" I insulted him with a grin. And I can see some veins appear on his forehead, he was pissed. "Don't talk back to me! I'm God!"

'How many times does he want to mention he is God? He just ate some devil fruit and pretended as one.' I thought to myself. Then the self-proclaimed God struck a thunder beam at me but before that, I already dodged it. "You also had Mantra, woman?" He lifted one of his eyebrows and questioned me.

"Of course. I'm also part of God as I came from the Kingdom of Gods." I said while taking out my katana and imbuing it with my flame. "Interesting, why don't you become my goddess?" My face changed into a disgusting look and glared at him, "What the hell? Of course not! Let's see which will win. The lighting of the fire?"

Then I charged him with my attack, the man seemed to underestimate my power and he didn't even move a step from his place. And my attack just passed through his body. So I realized, 'Ah, I forgot to use Haki.'

"Again!" I launched at him once again and the man still didn't move from his place then I left a deep cut on his chest. He falls back while holding his wound with his hand and pants heavily.

"Don't underestimate my power," I said with a closed eyes smile.

The man then fell back away from me so there was a distance between us. Enel then decided to destroy the cloud surrounding him, and Zoro, a man carrying a bazooka and a snake fell. Then the old knight and Nami escape from the snake.

"Nami, why you and the old knight are inside the snake?" I asked the navigator.

"That's not important! Luffy, Aisa, and Pierre are still inside the snake!" She grabbed my shoulder and shook me back and forth. "Okay okay, I don't know who are the other but I think Luffy and them will manage to come out." Then she finally noticed Enel was bleeding.

"Who did that? What's happened just now?"

"I cut him because he said something made me feel disgusting." The orange-haired girl's eyes widened and felt shocked and scared at the same time, "You did this?"

I nodded at the girl and looked back at the bleeding man. 'Remind me never pissed her.' The girl thought to herself. Enel then electrocuted the snake and announced that there were seven survivors within the three minutes until time up. Then all of us had implicit recognition and lifted our weapons and pointed at Enel, "Then you are gone." We said in unison.

Before we start fighting, Enel explained that he want to destroy the Skypiea as people living in the sky is unnatural, so as a God it is his job to keep the natural order. He also decided to take some people with him to go to the Fairy Vearth, a place where only natural for God to reside as opposed to the limited Upper Yard.

In response, Gan Fall attacked him but only got defeated by God.

"You cannot simply destroy the land haphazardly since you want the golden bell right!" Robin said to Enel. Enel replied, "I already know where the golden bell is." Then he attacked her with his devil fruit, Zoro  carried the injured Robin and said to God, "What are you doing, she is the woman!"

"I know." The God only replied with two words. They anger the swordsman and he fights back. The bazooka man used the sea stone to shut off God's devil fruit ability and used his reject dial to kill him.

When everyone thought Enel had died, he suddenly restarted his heart with the devil fruit ability and he Robbie again. Enel defeated all the people but the Lunarians and Nami.

Aruna POV

"Nami come here!" I said. Before I wanted to snatch Nami away from him, Enel grabbed her throat and threatened if I had any movement he would kill her immediately.

"I will follow you so just let me go," Nami begged him.

"Good choice." Then Enel just released her throat but grabbed her wrist to drag her. But I saw Nami had secretly taken the Waver with her without Enel noticing. I guess she planned to use that to run away.

But what I didn't expect is that Enel revealed his means of escape, the Ark Maxim. It is a flying ship. 'Guess I will take another chance to rescue Nami.'

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