54. Joyboy and Victory

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"Don't worry Chopper, Luffy will stand up and fight again. We had to believe him, now we have a lot of patients here, we have to heal them first." I comfort Chopper, he stopped his crying and continued to treat the injuries.

A few minutes later, I sense a massive blast of Conquerer Haki from the roof. I can also sense Luffy again, "Chopper! Luffy is alive! I sense him!" I told the ship doctor excitedly.

"Really? Yeah!" Chopper cheered happily.

Then, a giant hand came from the roof. Luffy grabbed Kaido and then comically pulled him back up. Both of them continued their fight on the roof. After a while, Luffy was smashed by Kaido, causing Luffy's head straight through the Skull Dome, all the people inside the Skull Dome felt shocked while seeing Luffy in this form.

"Woah! That's what Joyboy looks like in the legend story." I exclaimed when I watched the scene.

Luffy squeezed his head back through the hole and returned his fight with Kaido. The rest of us also continued our fight with the rest of the Beast Pirates, "Luffy, you better win this battle." I said. Nami also reunited with us. The fight between Luffy and Kaido becomes more fierce, and the samurais start to pray for Luffy, some of them also cheer for Luffy, hoping he can defeat Kaido so they can be free from his tyrannical rule, and also for the sake of their loved ones.

After a long time, Nekomamushi who witnessed the end of battle, announced that Momo saved Onigashima from falling, as well as Kaido's loss, and declared the alliance's victory.

"Luffy win!" All of us cheered happily together, then some of the Beast Pirates still attempted to continue the battle, when I was readied to fight them, Yamato talked them out of it, claiming she would personally take them down if they didn't yield.

In the end, Usopp arrives with Kinemon and Kiku, and Franky with Zoro, who are all in serious injuries, "They are so many patients! The medicine is not enough!" Chopper cried out. Thankfully, Miyagi and Tristan came to assist him. Some samurais put up the Picture Tanishi to broadcast the event that happened in Flower Capital. We saw that Momo and the other Scabbards showed themselves in front of the citizens. Momo announced the threat of Kaido and Orochi were finally over, and promised he would abolish the factories and restore the country before declaring himself the Shogun.

Yamato introduced herself to the Straw Hats as Kaido's son, prompting aggressive reactions from them, except the Lunarians, "Calm down guys. She is good, she helped me a lot when I was captured and locked up in Onigashima." I explained. Then Yamato mentioned that she might be joining our crew, which drew out a variety of reactions from the Straw Hats again, "But we wouldn't be convinced without our captain's confirmation." Jinbe stated.

"Of course."

We continued to listen to Momo's speech, and Tama seemed to have some thoughts with her. Then she breaks down and cries into Nami's chest. I think she recalled the promise Luffy made to her. I kneeled, patted her head, and smiled softly, "Tama, starting from today, you are allowed to eat as much as you want every day." She lifted her face and looked at me, then nodded her head aggressively.

I stood up again and searched for Yamato, telling her, "Yamato, I have something to ask you."

"What is that?"

"I actually saved Alber after he was defeated by Zoro. Do you think he can stay beside Momo and help to assist him in the future?" I asked.

"Hmm... I think you have to ask Momo about this because after what happened to them, I'm afraid they will not accept him. But I think if you explain this to them, I guess they will listen to it and consider it."

"I guess you are right. I will go ask Momo and other Scabbards about this."


All of us stayed at the Shogun's castle to recover from our injuries. I also brought Alber secretly to the place and explained the situation to Momo and the Scabbards. Alber also apologized to them for what he did in the past, "I know an apology won't change anything of what I did in the past, but I will try my best to give my assistance to you." Alber said.

"What do you think, Momonosuke-sama?" Kinemon asked Momo.

"Hmmm, since Aruna-san said that, I guess we can let him assist us. Besides, we also have Yamato on our side, so she can help to look after him."

"Oh really? Thanks, guys!"

"Don't worry, Aruna! I will take care of him!" Yamato said with a big grin on her face.

"Thank you for accepting me." Alber bowed to them while appreciating it.

After that, I talked with Alber privately, "Then from now on, Alber you also need to protect Wano from any enemies. I will continue my journey with my captain and friends. I will make sure to contact you after I get my Den Den Mushi."

"You shouldn't destroy your Den Den Mushi in the first place."

"Because at that time I needed to make sure no one knew our plan," I explained.

"When are you going to set sail again?"

"Maybe a week later. Luffy just woke up from his unconscious, he might want to enjoy the festival."

"Is that so... I will miss you so much. We only had each other for a short time, and now you're going to leave again." He said sadly.

"Is not like I will leave you forever. I will miss you too. After my captain becomes Pirate King, I will return and stay with you together. I promise." I said with determination.

"Then I will wait for you to come back." He said gently and gave a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Of course! Wait for me, Alber!"

Btw guys, I will complete this book until Wano Arc, so I will not continue the Egghead Arc. So thanks for reading my book until the last chapter. (Bow my head)

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