45. Undercover in Wano

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Samurai and some of the Straw Hats went to Wano Country by taking Law's submarine. Kinemon told us there would be a waterfall when entering the Wano.

"How about the submarine? We cannot just leave it here." I said.

"Submarine is easier to enter as it can dive underwater. But be careful, sometimes the whirlpool will appear in the middle of the sea. Law-dono, can I count on you?"

"Who do you think I'm? Just leave it to me." Tra-guy answered.

The stream is fierce. The submarine starts to enter to waterfall. Suddenly the stream speeds up and pulls the whole submarine up to the waterfall.

"Everyone hold tight!!"

The speed becomes faster. The submarine almost flew through the sky when it reached the top of the waterfall.

"Ahhhhh!! Save me! Save me!" Usopp screamed and started running all around the submarine.

"Calm down Usopp. We are fine." I calm him down.

We make it to Wano Country and now we are gathered at Kuri Beach. "Now you guys have to use a new identity as undercover to collect some information."

Kinemon changed our outfit to Wano style and we also got a new name. "You're Zorojuuro, a ronin. You're Usohachi, a toad oil seller. You're Orobi, a geisha. You're Franosuke, a carpenter."

"What about me!! What am I?" I pointed to myself, wondering what identity and name I had.

"Aruna-dono, because of your relationship and also your unique race. I cannot let you become the undercover inside Wano Country. So you have to stay with Law-dono and look around the country secretly without letting anyone notice you."

I was disappointed when I heard that I didn't get to become an undercover, "I understand. It's fine."

"By the way, Aruna-dono, did you contact Ling recently?" He suddenly asked.

"No, I didn't. I haven't contacted him since we were at Dressrosa. Why?"

"That's good. Because I don't want any of our plans exposed. So while we waiting for Luffy-dona to come back to us, can you please don't contact him?" He begged me.

"Of course, I will not! My crew is also part of the alliance, I cannot let my friends get hurt!" I said.

"Good! Now everyone, focus on your undercover and remember our mission!" Kinemon announced and all of us got ready to have our first day in Wano.

Sorry this is a really, super short chapter but I still hope u guys enjoy this. By the way here's Aruna's outfit in Wano.

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