34. Punk Hazard

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When all of us were chilling at the front desk, a phone was called from the kitchen.

"Who called?"

"Be careful, maybe the Marines set a trap so they can detect our location." Robin mentioned, but before that, Luffy already picked up the call, "Hello I'm Monkey D Luffy, I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates."

"No! Luffy!" Usopp screamed.

"Please help us, it is cold here. My friend was killed by a samurai!" The other side of the Den Den mushi yelled. "Where are you?" Luffy continued to ask. "Please come quickly. This is Punk Hazard!" Then the Den Den Mushi hung up.

"So should we go to this Punk Hazard? The phone said his friends were killed by a samurai."

"Let's go have a look."

Aruna PoV

"So where are we going now?" I asked them.

"We will go to Punk Hazard. The Den Den Mushi said they need help." Usopp answered.

"Punk Hazard...?" After hearing this, I felt my blood start boiling and felt anger at the same time. "What's wrong Aruna? You don't look good." Robin said worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just remembering that I was locked in here and become an experiment for the world government made me angry." The crew went silent, "But now I have you guys accompany me so I'm good." I said with a wide smile.

"Of course, you can count on us. We will protect you no matter what." The crew said happily.

So we followed the log pose and arrived at an island which is hot and fire everywhere. "Are you sure this is where they are? No one will survive on this island." Usopp said.

"The Punk Hazard I remember don't have fire though," I said.

"Let's just go down and have a look," Luffy said excitedly, after some discussion (actually drawing and seeing who would go with Luffy), turned out, that Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp went to check on the island. The rest stay to guard the ship.

Nami then summons a cloud path to let Luffy and the rest go while I just flew to the island. "Guys, the sign stated it is Punk Hazard," I said looking at the sign that hung on the gate.

"Wait let me finish my food first," Luffy yelled.

"Good, you guys eat without me."

After they arrived, Robin handed me a bento to let me eat, and I watched Zoro slice the gate so we went inside the island. They started to take off their shirt as it was too hot there.

"So hot, that's no way people will survive on this island." Usopp said, "Aruna you don't feel hot here? Why you can walk so chill?"

"You see, I walking around with flame on my back. Do you think I will feel hot with this little magma and fire here?" I asked sarcastically.

"I think you're right."

When we walked deep inside, we encountered a dragon. "The hack, I thought dragons only existed in the storybook," I said while igniting the dragon with my flame, but the dragon seemed afraid of it and continued chasing us.

"What am I thinking, it lived on the fire island, so basically the dragon has fire resistance. Haha."

"What are you laughing? Just slice the dragon!" Usopp screamed at me. "Nah, I will just let Zoro do this." I said while flying to the swordsman, "You heard that?"

"Yea, I get it. Oi Luffy, you and Aruna dragged down the dragon and I do the rest."

"Roger that!" Both of us said in unison. Luffy launched himself to the dragon while I flew beside it. Before I sliced its left wing, Luffy yelled at me, "Look Aruna, a person was stuck on its body." I was confused by his words, "What?! A person was stuck?"

Luffy then punched the dragon and it fell on the ground, Zoro then sliced the dragon, a free meal.
"Wow, that's a person!" I pointed at the half-body. Luffy then pulled the body out and the body didn't half the other half.

"Oh no, I broke the body into half! What should I do?!"
"Calm down Luffy, it's seems the body just looks like this, only half." Robin checked the dragon and found nothing stuck on the dragon.

"Are you the Warlord? Don't you dare lay a hand on me! Boo!" The body said. "What, we're not Warlord," I answered. The body then ran away from us and Luffy decided to chase him, wanting the half body join the crew.

And Luffy came back with the body stuck behind him.

"Centaur Luffy!" I joked.

"That's not funny Aruna," Usopp said.

"Look, there's a lake and there is no fire only snow and ice. Should we go and have a look? I think that is where the phone called." When we were going to head to the other side, Usopp suddenly screamed and said he saw a winged woman but when we turned around we saw nothing.

"I guess you just missed me." I joked again.

"No! A winged woman is standing there!" He said scared but we were already headed to the lake so he had to follow behind us.

Then, a centaur approached us and Luffy instantly became friends with him. But he attacked Luffy suddenly but Luffy easily took him down. Robin used her devil fruit ability to stop another centaur and found their Den Den Mushi had a 'CC' on it.

"So how should we go to the other side?"

"I can carry you!" I lift my hand and volunteer to carry the four of them.

"Okay! That's more safe than riding a boat. Who knows the enemies might attack us." Usopp said while climbing up my back with the rest. "Hold still. Might be fast."

"Ready?" I asked before I fly. "Ready!" Luffy said excitedly and so I started to fly. "Woah that's fast!" A minute later, we arrived at the frozen side. Meanwhile, Brook said that the rest of the crew were kidnapped and only him left on the ship. When we arrived at the frozen area, we encountered a group of centaurs at the same time.

"Calm down guys, we are here to save your friends who called us just now." Usopp explained to them but they ignored him and attacked us, "Don't fool us, there is a samurai in your group!" A huge centaur who looks like their leader introduced himself as Brownbeard.

"It seems they don't want to hear our explanation. Guess we just fought and stole their coats also. I was freezing as hell." So we started to fight them and successfully stole the coats. (Mission accomplished👍)

Then we asked (forced) Brownbeard to take us to the other side of the island. I was too lazy to fly so I also took a ride.

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