52. The Wings of Pirate King

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"Chopper, does the antibody done?" I asked.

"Almost there. Everybody hang in there, I will save you all."

I saw Hyogoro was preparing to commit suicide before he turned into an Oni due to the virus. We learned that the Ice Oni virus was intended to be used on the Beast Pirates as they have lost their value with the loss of SMILE.

"That's cruel," I said. Then, Chopper announced that he finished the antibody. He fired the Chopperphage Nebulizer into the battlefield and cured every one of the virus.

"How did you do this?" Queen questioned Chopper.

Chopper stated that thanks to his two years of training, he was able to make a gaseous virus designed to counteract the Ice Oni virus using the antibodies as a base. Queen then fired at Chopper and I blocked the attack for him. Marco that already returned restrained Queen, allowing Chopper who was in his Monster Point form to hit him, "Nice Chopper! Slap him to death!" I said while fighting the other Beast Pirates.

All of a sudden, Big Mom's eldest son, Perospero appeared and supported Queen in the battle. Queen then shot a beam at Chopper and luckily he managed to dodge the attack. Queen countered by cybernetically extending his neck to bite Chopper. I quickly stab him with my ignite katana so he can release Chopper.

At that point, a message was transmitted, Luffy was defeated and died at Kaido's hand.

"What?! Luffy is dead?! No!" Chopper cried after hearing the message.

"Don't be silly. Luffy will win, and he will not die. I bet he will appear again after he gets enough rest." I comfort Chopper.

Perospero immediately followed up by shooting a shower of candy arrows which fell randomly all over the floor. I dodge all the arrows and block some of them with my katana at the same time. When Queen is about to inflict an attack on Chopper again, thankfully Sanji appears and kicks him which sends him spinning, deflecting all the arrows with the massive body while knocking back at Perospero. Then Sanji chucked Zoro into Chopper so Chopper could treat his wounds.

"What happened to Zoro?! He hurt so bad." I looked at Zoro who was in serious injuries.

Then a voice was transmitted, it was Tama's voice. She gave her orders to all the Gifters who consumed her dangos, which again shifted the tides of battles in favor of the Alliance. Queen realizes this and attempts to attack her but is stopped by Sanji. I flew to Tama and saw Nami and Usopp were also there, "Take Tama and leave this place. Hurry. We will hold up Queen." Then Nami and Usopp took Tama and ran away.

Queen then shifted into his man-beast form while revealing several of his cyborg modifications, while also touching on his and Sanji's father's past in MADS. I don't know who is Sanji's father so I don't know what they are talking the next part. Chopper then turned into his Babyjiji form under the modified Rumble Ball's side effect.

"Oh gosh Chopper, you're so cute!" I carried Chopper in my palm, he looked so small. One of the Chopper's assistants said about the goat Mink's hidden ultra-regenerative medicine that can make a person move no matter what condition he is in and also its side effect is after some time the person has to suffer the pain.

Zoro heard this and demanded to have the medicine at once, due to his urgent need to rejoin the battle, "That's too dangerous, Zoro. You sure about that?" I asked but he insisted on taking the medicine, guess there was no way to stop him.

Sanji, Marco, and I attack Queen and Alber while waiting for the treatment of Zoro to take effect. Perospero attempted to snipe Sanji with the candy arrow, but he was attacked by Nekomamushi who arrived to avenge Pedro. Some samurai attempted to take Zoro to safety but were confronted by Alber, so I quickly came beside Zoro and blocked the attack.

"Aruna, let's go now!" Marco said to me while we dodged the attacks.

When we landed safely on the ground, Queen and Alber prepared to launch another attack on us, and Marco just pushed his glasses and said, "Here comes the stars yoi." The now-healthy Zoro struck Alber with his attack while Sanji followed behind to attack Queen with his kick.

"Woah, they are the Wings of the Pirate King!" I exclaimed.

The duo dodged the shots from Queen, Zoro then blocked an attack from Alber meant for Sanji. Zoro clashed with Alber, and his blade suddenly revealed its gimmick, turning into a sword-breaker and disarming Zoro of two of his blades. Alber followed up by a punch, though Zoro managed to defend with the sword in his mouth, before reclaiming his blades.

"Zoro! You better beat his ass. I will not forgive you if you lose to him!" I yelled at the swordsman.

"Aren't you supposed to support your lover? Nah, forget it." Zoro thought to himself.

Queen then transformed into his full beast form and slashed at Sanji with his massive blade. However, it was the blade that shattered.

"Woah, what happened? The blade shattered."

Don't know what happened, Sanji started to run to the Pleasure Hall. He requested Zoro and something to him, Zoro's face turned in shock after hearing what Sanji said to him, what did Sanji tell him? Is something wrong with Sanji?

Zoro managed to cut a portion of Alber's mask, which enraged the Calamity, who entered his hybrid form and started to fire off indiscriminate cutting attacks, which hurt friends and foes alike to get at Zoro. His attacks were powerful enough to send Zoro flying into the Right Brain Tower.

"Shit, Zoro. Hope you can still be alive after this." I worried. ALber flew out of the building at high speed. "Oh no, Alber is going after him again." I found Chopper and asked him, "Chopper, I'm gonna help Zoro, can you take care of yourself?"

"Don't worry about me. I have Miyagi and Tristan stay with me. You better go to Zoro now, I am worried about him."

"Okay." I nodded my head and also flew out of the building to search for Zoro in the Right Brain Tower.

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