28. Training

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Alber brought me to a nearby island which is not too far from Wano. So that no one will spot us training and only he will know this place. So it is safe for me.

"You will start training on this island, first do you know how to use Haki?"

"Yes. I know all of them but I don't use Conquerer Haki frequently."

"That's good. You should continuously train all your Haki. But at the same time, you also need to learn how to use your flame. Our flame is our powerful weapon. If you can master it, maybe you can be stronger than me."

"Oh, so I can defeat you in the future?" I said excitedly.

"Of course. But you had to train first." He chuckled at my reaction. 'Wow, his smile is so sweet.' I thought to myself. He then showed me how he can set a tree on fire from a far distance. "You can control the flames from this distance?! Cool!"

"Now your turn. I want to see how far you can go."

I focus my attention on a tree a want to ignite the tree, after a minute, the tree finally ignites. "Took you so much time," Alber said with closed eyes smile. I poured and argued, "Give me a few times, I believe I can do this."

"I will leave you here first. Good luck to you." He said and flew away, putting on his mask at the same time. I try and try again.

King PoV

It's almost afternoon, I went to look for Aruna to see how is her training. And I saw she was lying on the ground with her hands and legs stretched out. I quickly fly to her.

"What's wrong Aruna!"

"Ah Alber don't worry, I'm fine. Just felt tired after using so much energy." She said panting while inhaling and exhaling hard. She slowly sat up from the ground and looked at me with a smile.

I pull her closer to me and hug her tightly. "You made me so worried. You know I only have you now. I don't know what I will do if anything happens to you."

Aruna PoV

I was hugged by Alber now my face was hidden in his chest. 'Ahhhh! His words just make my heart beat faster. Oh no, hope he didn't hear it. I bet my face looks red right now!' I screamed in my heart.

"Sorry Alber. Can you let me go now, I need to train." I begged him.

"No, now you have to rest. You had used up all your energy." Then, he carried me in bridal style and flew back to his place. I think my face has become more red, so I cover my face with my hand.

When we returned to his room, he put me on his bed as he climbed up to the bed and took off his mask. Afterward, he wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer. "Ummm, Alber could you let me go."

"No. Now sleep." He commands me. So I had to sleep in this position no matter what.

The next morning

I woke up from bed and found no one beside me. Then I noticed a note on the table that said,

Kaido-san was looking for me so I had to leave earlier. I have brought you breakfast so remember to eat.

'He is so kind.' I smiled while thinking about it. A meal was on the table so I had my breakfast and went to train myself. Before I made Alber worry about me again, I decided to go back to his place when it was 10 at night after training.

Sometimes he will check on me to see my training progress and teach me some new techniques for battle use.

One day, when I woke up, it was raining outside. "Guess I can take a rest for one day." I don't want to wet my wings as it will make it feel heavier and harder to dry them. So I stayed in Alber's room a whole day. Then, the door slammed open, "Alber, you came back so early today."

"Because it's raining today, we cannot proceed with our work outside the town. And I also bring a person here, hope you don't mind."

"Oh, who is that?" I asked when I noticed a girl who had two horns on her head and also wearing a mask coming. "Hi, I'm Yamato! But you can also be called Kozuki Oden!" The girl said while taking off her mask.

"Yamato, stop saying you're Oden again." Alber scolded her by giving her a head punch. "Ouch!" She yelled and hugged her head.

"Sorry, Aruna. He is Yamato, Kaido-san's son." Alber introduced her.

"Oh okay... Hi Yamato, I'm Aruna. Just staying here for a short time." I said and thought at the same time, 'Son? But isn't she a girl? Does she want to become a man? Guess I will just put it aside.'

"So you're gonna leave after this? Why don't you stay?" Sh... I mean he asked.

"I was just staying here because I want to train to become stronger. Later I will go back to my crew." I explained and took some water to drink.

"Awww, that's sad. I thought King finally found his mate when I first knew a woman was staying with him." I spurt out my water and cough, I put down my water and glared at Yamato, "No! What are you talking about? He is my best friend!"

"If he is your best friend, then why are blushing?" She pointed to my face with an evil smirk.

"It just... you're making me embarrassed," I said while turning away.

"Yamato, stop making fun of it," Alber said and I could also see some pink hue appear on his cheeks.

"Fine, you adults just don't acknowledge it."

After we chatted for some time, Yamato decided to go back as it was late already, Alber also brought our dinner to the room so we could eat together. During the dinner, there was silence the whole time. I was sinking in my thoughts, thinking what Yamato said just now.

I thought King finally found his mate when I first knew a woman was staying with him.

'Ahhh! What am I thinking?! Why would she say that?! Now I'm too embarrassed to face Alber! I try to forget it but it just pops out nowhere! What should I do!'

King PoV

Aruna is quiet this whole time. Usually, she will talk a lot when we are having dinner but today she act differently. I saw her use the fork to keep pierce into the food.

"Aruna, are you there?" I asked her but she didn't respond. So I tried again with my hand waved in front of her eyes, "Aruna, are you alright? You seem distracted. Are you not feeling well?" She slowly lifted her head and I noticed her face was red as tomatoes and also her ears.

"Sorry Alber. I go to sleep first! Good night!" She said hurriedly and quickly moved to the bed and covered herself with the blanket.

Did she just blush? But why? Then I remembered what Yamato said to her and I felt myself blush a little.

Okay, guys, I think I just started to ship Aruna and King. I found they are really cute together. They just act like the school couple.

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