27. Meet Again

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Aruna PoV

'Now where should I do my training? Should I just go to Alber instead? I know he is stronger than me but isn't it weird to find your future enemy to train you?'
After that, I still decided to find Alber.

'I think I will not land at Onigashima as there is where Kaido and his man lived. Maybe I will just stay somewhere else near the Wano.

When I arrived at Wano, I flew up the mountain and saw that they had their sea. "That's incredible! Guess I will stay here and explore for a while." Followed the path, it leads into a woods, "Another place that's hard for Lunarians to fly." I complained.

To prevent anyone from noticing, I decided to wipe out my flame as it was nighttime when I arrived at Wano. I walked along the path, wanting to find a place to rest. Before I realized it, my wings were shot by something and they started to bleed.

"What the hell? Who did this?" My hand could not reach my wings, so I looked around myself with caution while activating my Haki. Finally, I sensed there was a group of people hiding in the woods.

"Come out now. I know you guys are hiding."

Then a man approached me and said, "You deserve it, King! You take away the things we stole from the villagers 'cause we didn't have enough food to eat!"

"I'm not King. Besides you're the one who stole so it's your fault after all." I said to the man.

"Only one person had black wings in this country and that's King! Guys, attack!" All the hiding men came out from their places and followed him to attack me. So I took out my katana to fight with them.

King PoV

"King, why are you staring at the vivre card? Whose vivre card is that?" Queen asked me.

"None of your business. I gotta leave first." Then I fly away from the building. Her vivre card is burning and recovers after that. Is she fighting with someone?" I was guided by her vivre card and I saw a light from the woods. 'That's her flame.'

I landed and walked into the woods, I saw a man slowly approaching her from behind while lifting his weapon. I killed him in a second and she finally noticed me.

"Alber!" She called me excitedly while running towards me.

Aruna PoV

I turned my head and noticed a man was killed and collapsed on the ground. At the same time, I also noticed Alber was here. I called him while running to him.

"Never thought to see you here! By the way, could you please help me take out the things that stuck at my wings, just now they shot something at me." I pointed my wings while turning around so Alber could see it better.

I let out a small groan when he pulled out the things on my wings. After he finished, I turned to look at him and noticed his hand was holding a nail with my blood on it. "A nail?"

"Most certainly is a sea stone nail."

"Oh that's mean you're a devil fruit user. Because just now they have mistaken me for you. I guess they were looking for revenge on you." I explained the whole incident to Alber.

After I finished explaining, he frowned and looked at me. "What?" I asked with my arms folded across my chest. "Didn't you promise you will come back safely?"

"I do! And it just only a small wound on it, is not a big deal."

He signed, "Fine. What are you doing here?"

"Because my crew was separated, my captain had to do the training within these two years. So I came here to find you."

"You want me to train you?" He asked me while taking off his mask.

"Yes? Because you're stronger than me. But it's fine if you don't want, I don't mind."

He stared at me for some time, then sank into deep thoughts, afterwards he looked at me again, "I can help you, but not every day because you know I got a lot of work to do."

"Really? Thanks, Alber!" I said and hugged him with my wings flapping happily. "Wait Aruna, get down from me." He said while patting my shoulder. "Oh sorry. Then see you after this."

But he didn't leave.

"Are you not leaving?"

"Where did you stay during these two years?"

"Here in the woods," I replied calmly.

"No. Is not safe here. You stay with me."

"I'm stronger than most of the human. I can protect myself. And I'm not familiar sharing with a room with others." I whispered the last part.

"Still no. I said you're coming with me." He grabbed my hand unexpectedly.

"Wait, Alber! What if we get caught? Weren't Kaido will get angry if you bring an intruder?"

"Don't worry. He knew you already. Besides, if someone tries to harm you, even though they are my subordinates, I will kill them too." I can feel the hold on my wrist become tighter. "Okay, Alber calm down. Fine, I will go with you."

He loosened my wrist but still didn't let me go, so I followed him fly to his place. "I got work to do, you can sleep on the bed now, it's late already." He said putting back his mask and walking out of his room.

"He is a busy man." I looked around his room, "But there is only one bed, where does he sleep?" But I started to feel tired so I just collapsed on his bed and slept.

King pov

I returned to my room after finishing discussing the work with others. I stepped into my room and took off my mask, then I saw Aruna had fallen asleep on my bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and look at her sleeping figure, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Alber?" She barely opens her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb your sleep." I apologize for waking her up.

"You need to sleep too." She sits up from the bed but I push her back to the bed. "No, you sleep here. I can sleep on the floor."

The next morning

I felt something was on my chest when I woke up. Then I saw Aruna sleeping on my chest, I could feel my cheeks burn up. I patted her head, "Aruna wake up. Is morning already."

When she awoke from her sleep and realized our position, she jumped up from me with red cheeks and apologized to me nonstop.

"Is fine. Go get ready, we will start our training today."


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