41. Victory and Departed from Dressrosa

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Some marines worked together to protect the citizens of Dressrosa as many of them were controlled by Doflamingo's devil fruit. QThe Straw Hats were separated, fighting with the Donquixote Family.

(Forgive me. I'm too lazy to write the fighting part so let's just skip to where Zoro and the rest trying to stop the Birdcage :)

The Straw Hats try to stop the Birdcage while their captain is fighting Doflamingo alone.

Aruna PoV

The Birdcage grew considerably smaller. Me, Zoro, and the two samurai block the strings with our swords, hoping it can slow down the strings.

"That is Franky, and also the dwarves! They push back the strings through the factory 'cause it was made of seasoned." I fly higher, observing the surroundings and blocking the strings at the same time.

A lot of dandelions suddenly fall from the sky over Dressrosa, "What are these dandelions? Where did they come from?" When one of them drops on my arm, the injury on my arm is healed.

"Amazing! A healing power." I was amazed when Zoro yelled at me from below, "Oi Aruna! Focus on the block. Don't play around already!"

"Hey, I was just reporting what was happening here, you green-haired brat!"

(Aruna is 36 years old so basically, she is the big sis on the ship, but sometimes acts childish too)

A footstep was heard when the group was trying to stop the Birdcage. He is the gravity user admiral, Fujitora.

"Why is the admiral doing here? Don't tell he is coming after us." I said flustered. Fujitora sheathed out his sword and came towards us. What surprised us was that he didn't attack us but helped us stop the Birdcage, "That's surprised me." I swear dropped but continued to push back the strings, as long as he didn't attack us, I was fine with it. Or I'm afraid I have to fight him and destroy half of the island.

"Is that Luffy? Why does he look like that?"

His body became round and the Haki was all over his body. And he announces it as Gear 4, "That's COOL!!" I said with sparkles inside my eyes. At the same time, Doflamingo's devil fruit seems like also awakened. He transmutes the ground and buildings into strings as well to attack Luffy.


Luffy hit Doflamingo, sending him falling to the ground. The Birdcage slowly came down, a voice announced, "Mugiwara no Luffy defeated Doflamingo!"

The country is free again, and all the people of Dressrosa rejoiced, "Luffy won! Let's go find him!" I said excitedly.

That night, all the Straw Hats and the two samurai stay at Kyros's small hut, which is on top of the flower field. Most of them fell asleep after their injuries were treated. Leaving only Robin, Zoro, Franky, Aruna, and the two samurai awake.

A person approached the hut, threw Zoro a bottle of wine, and introduced himself as Sabo, one of his brothers of Luffy. Robin seems to know him also.

"Never knew Luffy had another brother," I said.

"Because he thought I was dead."

"How is that?"

Sabo told us the story of he was shot down by the Celestial Dragon when he set sail on the sea but he was saved by Luffy's father, Dragon. The moment he woke up, he lost all his memories. He started his training in the Revolutionary Army until the news stated Fire Fist Ace was dead, this news sent Sabo a hard impact but also regained his memories.

"Gosh, that's so touching." I sobbed with Franky.

Before Sabo left, he gave us Luffy's Vivre card.

"All right. Luffy might be a bit much for you to handle, but take good care of him."

"Yeah! You can count on us!" Franky said.

"Franky, could you please wipe your tears?" I sweat dropped, staring at his robotics face.

"He said the same thing Ace said," Zoro said.

"We should rest now. We have to leave when it's morning, the marines are still coming after us." The rest of the Straw Hats immediately fall asleep after the chatting.

The next morning

All of them are having their breakfast when they wake up, the captain is sad because they didn't wake him up when his brother visited him last night.

The two samurai come back after buying some food, and they tell the Straw Hats there is a rumor spread among the people of Dressrosa, said that Princess Scarlett has fallen in love with a prince, they leave the country together and they give birth to Rebecca in the end.

Kyros reveals he is the one who spread the rumor, but Luffy is not happy with that. Suddenly, Bartholomeo bumped into the house and said the Marines were on their move. He leads all the Straw Hats and the other people to the port. On the way, Luffy went separated.

"Oi Luffy! Where are you going? Get back here!" I yelled at him.

"You guys go first. I'm going to get Rebecca! Shishishi." He said before he continued his way to the palace. I get his meaning so I just let him and carry on to follow the rest to the port.

"Aruna-san, where is Luffy going?" Robin asked.

"He went to find Rebecca. He wants both of them to meet together and have a small talk." I explained. We are waiting for Luffy to come back until the admiral, Fujitora approaches us again.

He uses his devil fruit ability, lifts a large amount of rubble, and wants to crush us. As Luffy returned, we continued to run to the port but Luffy refused to run away, he punched the admiral instead.

"He punched the admiral! What does he think?!" I said staring at them. The admiral slammed Luffy into the cliff around the shore. A giant went to grab Luffy and started to run away.

We were threatened by the rubble, but suddenly the people of Dressrosa ran towards the port, apprehending Luffy themselves for what happened to Rebecca. Now the admiral cannot attack the pirates with his rubble as it will hurt the citizens if he releases all of them.

In the end, there are seven groups who decided to become our subordinates and serve under us. Although Luffy keeps rejecting them they don't even care.

When all of us started to set sail on the sea, some other pirate ships started to attack us but all the rubble moved and stop above them. All the pirate ships were destroyed due to the rubble.

'So he is trying to help us. He is such a good marine.' I thought.

We then feasted to celebrate the fleet's formation as we departed from Dressrosa.

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