36. Yeti Cold Brothers

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While waiting for Luffy and the rest, a huge explosive noise was heard outside. "Eeee...what happens there?" And two big giants appeared in front of us.

"The Yeti Brother! Did you come to save me!" Brownbeard said happily. "No, you are on our kill list." One of them said. "What? You're joking right?" The Yeti Brothers then played the voice record from the Den Den Mushi, about the Ceaser giving the order to kill Brownbeard. The Brothers shoot Brownbeard with multiple shots and he collapses on the ground.

"Master said we need to take the cyborg and the Lunarians."

"What, why me?" I asked, but they ignored me and took Franky (Nami), when they were about to catch me, I ignited the Yeti with my flame, "Guess I will just melt you to death."

"Ahhh! Aruna is more scary than the Yeti!" Usopp said with both his hair in the air. "Hey! I was trying to protect you!" When I was arguing with Usopp, my wings were
grabbed and they twisted my wings.

"Ah, fuck!!" I groaned with pain and kneeled on the ground. "Aruna!!!" And I was taken away from the group.

King PoV

I went back to my place after finishing the work. Then I noticed Aruna's vivre card that I had put inside a glass jewelry box was burning.

"Aruna...what happened to you..."

Back to the Straw Hats

Aruna PoV

"Let us go!" I heard Nami scream. I barely opened my eyes and realized we had been captured by the Yetis. "Ugh shit, my wings..."

"Aruna! You're awake!"

"Sorry for worrying you." I struggled to get out of their hold but the pain from my wings was stopping my movements.

"Stop struggling. Your friends will also die by the poison gas of our rifles. Besides, I know your wings are one of your weaknesses so we broke them to prevent your escape."

"Oh is that so?"  I asked sarcastically and ignited the flame behind my back again. The Yetis dropped me to the snow ground and quickly clapped away the fire. Suddenly an explosion was heard not too far away from us, it was Luffy.

Luffy was fighting with Franky in Chopper's body who was in Monster Point. The Yeti took this chance and went to attack Luffy. I want to help Luffy but my wings are hurt. But then, Tra-guy appeared and unleashed his Counter Shock on the Yeti Brothers.

Luffy then came to us, "Nami, Aruna. You both alright?"

"I'm fine. But her wings were twisted by the Yeti so she cannot fly now." Nami explained to me. "Sorry Luffy, guess you need to carry me back," I said sitting on the ground. "No worries. Shishishi."

Law approached and called for us, "Mugiwara-ya, I have something want to discuss with you."

"Oh Tra-guy. Sure what's that?"

"I want to ally with you."

We all went silent for a while, then me and Nami looked at each other and yelled, "What!! Alliance?!" Tra-guy continued explaining to us, "There's an important key in Punk Hazard that can cause chaos in New World. Then I want to depose one of the Yonko."

"Yonko?! No way! Luffy, you had to decline this. We cannot fight a Yonko this early! Aruna, say something to stop him!" Nami begged Luffy and I only stayed silent and listened.

"Which of the Yonko are you talking about?" Luffy asked him.

"The emperor's name is Kaido, the King of the Beasts."

'Woah never thought I will going to see Alber again this fast.' I thought to myself. "As long as Shanks is not the first one to fight, I have no problem. Because I plan to beat all the Yonko!"

Tra-guy seems to feel too shocked to know that Luffy wants to take down all the Yonko, so he explains to our captain how strong the Yonko are, "Haha, don't waste your time explaining this to him Tra-guy. Our captain is stubborn, he doesn't care about this though." I said to him.

"By the way let's go back to the hiding spot. Luffy, remember to carry me." I said.


Arrive at the hiding spot

We explained the alliance with Heart Pirate to the rest of our crew while I was being bandaged by Chopper who is in Sanji's body before they switched back to their own because Chopper's body was hurt and could not move. And of course, Usopp immediately refused this.

"Luffy, I'm gonna go along with your decision. However, alliances between pirates are often marked by betrayal. Maybe it's dangerous for you since you are so trusting." Robin said.

"Huh? Are you gonna betray me?" Luffy asked Tra-guy

"No." He shakes his head said. And Luffy just looked at us with a wide smile. "Hey, at least have a little doubt!" Usopp yelled angrily at Luffy. "I know that's what gonna happen." I chuckled.

"I think the pirate alliance is fun. Also, I think Tra-guy is a good guy, even if he isn't, don't worry. Because I have you guys who spent the last two years training!"

After hearing Luffy's praises, all of us just felt happy to hear that. "Hahaha, that's so heartwarming," I said.

"Fufufu, also Aruna you can also meet your friend who is in Wano right?" Robin said chuckling. "Yeah, hope he doesn't fight me first."

Tra-guy stared at me, "What do you mean by that, Lunar-ya." Then I started to explain to Alber who worked under Kaido. After hearing my explanation, he stayed silent for a while, "Do both of you contact each other sometimes?"

"Yes. I had the number of his Den Den Mushi. But I haven't contacted him for almost two weeks since we were at Fishman Island." I answered, "But why do you want to know about that?"

"Because what we are doing next will affect Kaido and I'm curious if will you report this to their men."

"Nah, I won't do that. Although he is my friend, I still stand against them."

"That's good to hear."

Chopper and Nami said they wanted to save the children and help them escape here. So Tra-guy planned he and Chopper would help find the drugs, Luffy, Robin, and Franky would kidnap Ceaser, while the rest of us stayed to guard the children.

After they had gone, the children were about to go rampage again, so Usopp shot the sleeping smoke at them again but that was no work. "Oh no, the sleeping effect is weakened, what should we do."

"Remember not to hurt the children!" Nami said while dodging their attack on Sanji's body. "I got an idea!" I said while standing up looking at the children, and I burst out my Conquerer Haki to knock them out. "Okay done."

Nami and Usopp looked at me sweat dropped, "Guess it worked after all."

Suddenly, a gasman appeared at the entrance and said, "Children, let's go back to Biscuit Room. I promise I will give you the candies."

"So that's Ceaser."

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