14. Keys

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The cyborg who was impressed by the pirate group, knowing he misjudged the archaeologist, slowly took out the blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton from his stomach, the things that the world government has wanted for a long time.

"The blueprint of Pluton.... Hand it to me now!" The leader commands him.

"The one who wrote the blueprints of Pluton thought there should not exist a weapon like this without having a weapon against it in the case of it falling into the hands of someone like you. This was the only way to satisfy the wish of the architect." The cyborg then burned the blueprint in front of the CP group.

"I'm betting the victory on the Straw Hat Pirate!" In anger, Spandam, the leader of CP9 pushed the cyborg over the balcony, but the old lady from the station, Kokoro contacted the Straw Hat group and told them to jump into the waterfall.

The straw hat boy complied and brought the rest of the group back on the Rocketman, the train they used to come to Enies Lobby as it was shot off the half-open drawbridge. The train caught the cyborg on its front before plowing into the Tower of Justice.

The Straw Hat Pirates emerged from the wreckage of the train and headed toward the stairs. Then they encountered a CP member named Fukurou, who had a big round yellow zipper across his mouth.

"Robin was taken to the Gate of Justice by Lucci and Spandam. And we had been given orders to eliminate you all. Chapapa." The zipper man showed the group a key and explained, "This is a key of her seastone handcuff. The sea prism stone was hard as a diamond, it could never be removed without the key."

Aruna PoV

"I haven't said whether or not this is the real key yet." The big mouth said.

"WHAT THE HELL!" We yelled at him together.

"It may be a key to some other handcuffs, Chapapapa! In this tower, including me, there are five CP9 members. Each one of us has a key and we're waiting for you guys!" The big mouth said while dancing around using one of their Cipher Pol techniques.

"We will retrieve Robin first," Nami suggested.

"If you do, I will throw the key into the sea. We are giving you a chance." He said while planning to flee into the building. Before Luffy ran after him, I was already ahead, "Don't worry. I get this."

I flew and appeared in front of the big-mouth man and took the key. "Thanks for the key!" I said with a wide grin and kicked him out of the building.

"Nice one Aruna! Now let's go get the other four!" Before Luffy leaves, Zoro and Sogeking hold him, "Luffy, we need to discuss where we are going first to deal with each CP9. "

The group decided to let Luffy go after Lucci, the pigeon guy while the rest of the group dealt with other agents.

"If Robin gets to the Gate of Justice, everything is all over. We need to be quick." Sogeking stated.

Knowing it's a race against time, we all rush off with the determination to win our fights. I was behind Chimney and her pet then suddenly they fell through a trapdoor. So I flew down to look for them and noticed we ended up in a candlelit passageway.

"Did you hear it?" I asked the little girl. She nodded her head and recognized the voice as Spandam's voice, so we ran towards it.

"No one will come to rescue you, Nico Robin!" Spandam insulted Robin and continued, "Because they don't even know the access of Gate of Justice!"

After I sensed he was far enough from us using my Haki, we came out from the hidden door in the tower.
'Gosh, the passageway is so tiny for me." Then we followed them and we found a large steel door with an electric lock. "A strange room," Chimney said while we hid from them.

When the Spandam was fumbled with the control panel, the pigeon guy noticed us. "Oh God, we were caught." But surprisingly, he didn't expose us. 'What? Why he didn't expose us?' I was deep inside my thoughts until I heard the door open and revealed a long corridor.

"We need to tell this to Luffy. Let's go back to them, Chimney." I said to the girl and carried her and her back and put them on my back. "Hold still," I said before I started to fly through the spiral staircase again to look for Luffy.

When we found Luffy, he was nearly drowned in the sea as a giant whirlpool was between the building and the Gate of Justice. I fly down to help him get out from the sea, "What are you thinking, you're nearly killed yourself. Did you forget that you're a devil fruit user?" I scolded him. Then we led Luffy to where the secret passageway is.

"And now how do we open the door?" Chimney asked. While I was figuring out a way, Luffy used his new ability, Gear 3 to break the steel door. This causes his body become to child child-sized. "Wow, you're so tiny. Looks cute." I lifted him with one arm and pursued the pigeon guy and Spandam.

"No, I cannot fight properly in this form." Luffy pouted. On the way, Luffy becomes normal again. When we reached Robin, Lucci said to his commander, "We were being followed."

"You stay here and hold off any pursuit while I'm taking Nico Robin to Gate of Justice." Then he dragged Robin and left.

"Aruna, You went after Robin! This is a fight between me and the pigeon guy so leave him to me!"
I nodded and flew to where Robin was. "Don't think I will let you pass easily, Lunarians," Lucci said while using his technique to get closer to me.

"As my captain said don't disturb the fight between you and him. So I can't land a hand on you. I guess I need to go another way." I sheathed out my katana and cut the building in half leaving a platform for them to fight.

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