24. The Emperor

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Aruna PoV

I was sent flying through the sky and then I crashed into something.

"Oh no, did I just break into someone's house? But this place doesn't look like a house." I murmured myself before getting up and dusting off my clothes.

There is a hole above me and I can slowly hear someone speaking and also the sound of waves lapping on the sea. 'I guess I was inside a ship.'

So I flew through the hole above me and all the people lifted their weapons and pointed at me. I lifted both my hands in surrender, "Calm down guys. I can explain what happened." But they still didn't put down their weapons.

And a red-haired man with scars on his left eye approached me, "I'm Shanks! Who are you?" While gesturing his man put down the weapon.

"I'm Aruna. A Warlord named Kuma used his devil fruit ability to send me flying so now I was here." I explained.

"Oh, I see. But at the moment we cannot stop as we are heading to Wano right now. So you had to stay here."

"Is okay. I won't cause any problems I promise."

Then another man smoking cigarettes came beside Shanks and said, "But it is rare to see a Lunarians. I thought your kind are extinct?"

"Yea, but I escaped from them and now I had to join the Straw Hat Pirate."

"What?! You joined Luffy's crew?!" Shanks suddenly looked back at me with a wide grin.

"Yes. Now I remember Rayleigh had just told us about you just now at Sabaody Archipelago."

"Wow, you had met Rayleigh-san too! Guess we can hold a welcome party for you while we head to Wano. Guys! Prepare the welcome party for Aruna!"

I sweat dropped and wanted to reject them but the men had already taken out the booze. "But aren't we supposed to repair the damage I made just now?" I asked.

"We can do that later. The most important thing right now is the party!" So I was forced to sit with them and have the party.

The next morning, some members were having their hangover and they all collapsed on the floor. Only me and some of his men are sober so we decided to fix the hold I made yesterday.

After we finished, their cook, Lucky Roax started preparing the breakfast while their first mate, Benn woke up the collapsed members.

"May I ask why you guys heading to Wano?" I asked them while having my breakfast with them.

Benn answered me, "Did you know Luffy has a brother named Portgas D. Ace, also called Fire Fist Ace? He was announced to be executed by the marine. So Whitebeard's crew wants to rescue him. Another emperor, Kaido wanted to use this chance to fight Whitebeard so we had to stop him first."

"His brother gets executed. Luffy will go after him."

After we set sail for two days, we finally arrived at Wano. We docked near an island that had a skeleton look on it, Shanks with some of his men went down the ship while the rest of us all waited at the ship.

"This island kinda looks creepy though," I said while flying above the ship.

"This island is called Onigashima. This is where Kaido and his men lived."

"I want to take a look around, is too boring to wait for them."

"Ummm, if you don't go inside the building, maybe it's alright I guess?"

"Of course, I will not." Then I opened my wings and flew to the island.

Inside Onigashima

"King-sama, someone noticed that a person with black wings flew around the island."

King nodded, "I will check for it." And fly away.

Shanks heard the conversation, "What? Aruna? Didn't I tell her to wait at the ship?" Shanks exclaimed. "Boss, do you think she will listen to you? But I think she just takes a look around, don't worry." Yasopp said.

"Haha, guess you're right. Let's continue our talk."

Back to Aruna

"Woah! The views here are good!" I said while deciding to land. Suddenly a group of people came at me, "You there! How dare you intrude on our territory!"

"Gosh, I got caught!" I quickly fly away from them and back to the sky. "Heh, now you can't catch me." The group below me yelled, "King-sama, the intruder fly to the sky!"

"Tsk, I had promised Shanks not to cause any trouble." When I was running out of here, my Haki sense a person with lightning speed came after me. Without any hesitation, I quickly took out my katana and blocked him.

I noticed the man had the same black-feathered wings as me. 'No way... no way he is, but the wings..." I stared at the man in front of me while blocking him, afterwards, I shook my head wanting to throw away my thoughts.

"I just felt bored when waiting for Shanks, I will go now, sorry for intruding on your territory," I said to the man.

"No, you come with me." The man ordered me.

"What? But Shanks will get mad if I don't return."

"That man will not return at this moment. Besides, I want to talk with you." Then he turned to the man who chased after me just now and said, "You all can go back first, I can handle this."

Then he grabbed my hand and walked to the other side of the island, "Hey where are we going? And most importantly who are you?" The man ignored me until we had come to a place that looked like a garden. He let go of my hand and stood in front of me.

"Will you might explain now?" I asked.

Then the man revealed his face by taking out the mask. My eyes widened when I stared at the man in front of me.

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