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"You're absolutely unbelievable, Draco! I can't even believe what I'm hearing!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed, her voice filled with concern, as she skillfully wrapped a large bandage around Draco's arm, ensuring it was secure.

Leaving Draco alone with a boiling rage towards Saint Potter wasn't the wisest decision the four made.

Draco's ill-fated attempt to showcase his supposed skill in riding a hippogriff quickly turned against him. The startled creature forcefully knocked him to the ground, inadvertently landing on his arm due to Draco's delicate approach.

"Oh, bloody hell women," muttered Draco through gritted teeth as pain shot up his arm. "Just get it over with."

"Stop being such a wuss, Draco." Pansy scoffed, rolling her eyes.

The others stood back, observing the scene. Earlier, Goyle had hurriedly informed them about it, and within a couple of minutes, they all arrived at Pomfrey's.

"You do realize we only left you alone for the rest of the class, right?" Blaise said, crossing his arms with an unimpressed stare.

"I don't have time for your badgering, Blaise!"

"A big word for such a small brain," Viola quipped, causing Theodore to stifle a snort of laughter.

"Shut up, Viola," Draco spat. "You too, Theo."

"I didn't say anything!" Theodore exclaimed defensively.

"Right," Madam Pomfrey cleared her throat. "This will need to remain in place for approximately two weeks, given that it's not a fractured bone."

"Thank you, Pomfrey," Blaise said when Draco remained silent, his face filled with bitterness.

Pomfrey let out a sigh, shaking her head, and waved her hand to dismiss the five.

"Saint Potter--"

"Don't start," Theodore interrupted, shaking his head, cutting off the blonde.

Later, everyone had departed, despite Draco's flair for the dramatic. He continued to exaggerate, claiming that he nearly lost his arm if it weren't for Madam Pomfrey.

The hallways buzzed with students discussing the one topic Viola wished to avoid. It seemed like a never-ending curse as the news of Sirius Black's sighting near Hogwarts sent everyone into a frenzy.

Viola confidently walked through the halls, accompanied by Pansy, while feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her. She chose to project an air of nonchalance, though deep down, it was all just an artful act.

"Pansy," Viola interrupted firmly. "I'd rather not discuss this any further."

"Right," sighed Parkinson, mumbling. "Of course, you wouldn't."

As they stepped into the classroom, Professor Lupin's voice resonated, filling the room.

"Intriguing isn't it?" he posed, a rhetorical question. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

Viola, who had just arrived in class, assertively responded, "It's a boggart. They're shape-shifters with mysterious true forms, capable of transforming into the person's worst fears."

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