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On the morrow, everyone emerged unscathed from the first round of the tournament, to the surprise of Viola. Yet, the tournament was of no moment compared to her ire towards the blonde who had earned her a letter from her grand-mère.

The Great Hall was engulfed in a delightful aroma of various delectable foods, the aromas of which wafted through the air. The aroma was accompanied by hints of the polished wooden furniture placed as decorative pieces around the Hall, mingling together in perfect harmony.

However, in contrast to the harmony of the Great Hall, Viola's mind was clouded with thoughts that were anything but in harmonious.

"This impertinent bitch," Viola hissed as she slammed The Daily Prophet on the table with the fury of a thousand suns.

"Lower your voice," Pansy hissed softly as she looked around to ensure that no one heard her.

"What in the name of Salazar did she have the nerve to write this time?" Lorenzo said, barely being able to contain his smirk.

"No," Blaise replied, cringing at the boy's words. "Saying such things does not make you look as one familiar with the school's stupid social climate."

Lorenzo shot him an offended look, but it was quickly dismissed.

Viola scoffed in return before reading out, "Rita Skeeter here, reporting in. We've got a juicy story for you all to feast your eyes on. Cedric Diggory and Viola Black have a charged energy between them - are they lovers? Or is something darker at play? Will we ever find out what's really happening between them? Stay tuned, dear readers, for the next thrilling edition, where the veil is lifted and we uncover the mystery behind this pair's captivating exchange."

"When will we ever get to see what's behind the veil, Vio?" Draco asked with a small, teasing smirk.

Theo stabbed his fork into a fried sausage, barely stifling a chuckle as he watched the proceedings with amusement.

As Viola's eyes fell upon Theo, she shot him a look of irritation, "Is this amusing to you?" She snapped the question.

"Yes, very," Theo nodded back, giving her his usual cold responses as he stabbed another piece of food.

"Is that so?" Viola replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, perhaps you'll find it even more amusing when I have your hand on a platter and you find yourself struggling to stab at the food before you."

"Gruesome", Theo replied in a blunt manner, now devoid of amusement.

"Yes, very," Viola mimicked Theo's tone, taking a seat with attitude.

"Are they always like this?" Lorenzo whispered to Blaise as he gestured to Viola and Theo, who were seemingly oblivious to everything else around them.

"It comes and goes," Blaise shrugged in response, indicating the inconsistent nature of the two of them.

Later, after the meal was over, the students parted ways to take care of their own business. Some went to their classes while others prepared for their upcoming Quidditch matches. Viola and Pansy decided to spend the rest of the afternoon together in their room.

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