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In the courtyard of the Hogwarts clock tower, they found solace in the gentle embrace of the cool, crisp air that swept through the surroundings. The trees, adorned in a delicate shade of yellow, held onto their leaves as if clinging to life, while fallen ones lay gracefully upon the ground. Amidst the customary bustling atmosphere, an uncommon tranquility prevailed, interrupted solely by the occasional echo of students' footsteps passing by.

Serenity, a precious rarity these days, seemed to have graced the courtyard with its presence, if only for a fleeting moment.

"You should've seen my father's face when he got wind of what that old bird did to me," Draco said, scoffing.

"More like what you did to the bird, mate." Blaise teased, making Theo smirk.

"No matter," Draco scoffed again. "It'll be losing its head today, no doubt about it."

"Oh, the horror," Theo chimed in, leaning against the same wall as Viola.

Rolling his eyes, Draco huffed in response to their antics.

"C'mon, Draco," Viola joked, taking a bite of her green apple. "We don't mean to ruffle any feathers."

They all chuckled at the obvious jab, while Draco let out a dramatic sigh and shook his head.

"Crabe & Goyle would probably be more interested in this than any of you," Draco complained.

"That's because they lack any backbone," Viola retorted.

"Exactly," Pansy agreed. "They'll agree with anything you say just to fit in with us."

"Ah, so what I'm gathering is that none of you are up for helping me donate that hippogriff's head to Gryffindor's room," Draco remarked.

"Exactly," Blaise affirmed with a nod.

"Goyle would need less convincing on that part," Theo teased, as Blaise relaxed back against the stone wall.

Viola then tossed her half-eaten green apple at Draco, who caught it with a grimace on his face.

"Good luck," she said, giving him a playful eye roll as she walked away.

Later, the sky wearing a somber cloak, casting a shadow over the day. As the chill in the air danced on Viola's skin, sending shivers down her spine.

Viola wasn't accustomed to venturing outside the castle alone. Sometimes, being around others drained her, so she sought solace in the silence.

Yet, silence eluded her as she ventured deeper into the Hogwarts grounds. The piercing cries of terror reverberated, growing louder with each step, converging near the Whomping Willow.

Viola tugged at the grey jumper that clung to her, her hand instinctively seeking her concealed wand beneath her trousers. Thoughts raced through her mind, questioning the audacity of those foolish enough to linger near such a formidable tree.

Perhaps she was a touch hypocritical, for her own curiosity propelled her closer to the tree. Yet, unlike the unfortunate souls whose screams pierced the air, she possessed a prepared defense. Nothing ever caught her off guard; she was always ready.

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