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"What are you doing out here?"

came the voice of Theo from where Viola had been gazing at the rain from the comfort of the astronomy tower. Despite the lack of progress in the rain's cessation, Viola looked over in Theo's direction.

"Nothing, really." Viola's reply came with a quick and curt turn.

"Are you alright?" Theo's question was met with a confused look from Viola, as she glanced back over.

Her expression had caught his attention, and while it took an effort to discern her thoughts and feelings, his keen observation had not failed him in this instance.

"When am I not." Viola simply shrugged.

In truth, Viola had been avoiding thinking about Sirius all summer, but avoiding something was not a permanent solution. She knew this but tried to forget regardless. As much as she had tried to push aside her thoughts and feelings, it all came back to her in this moment.

The two of them remained silent for a moment, their gaze fixed on the rain outside. Despite being positioned close to one another and leaning against the railing, the rain did not hit them.

The air felt somewhat still and calm, despite the falling rain and occasional flash of lightning. A sense of anticipation built within Viola and Theo, as they waited for the other to speak and reveal their purpose for being outside in the rain. The silence was thick, but seemed to weigh on each of them in different ways.

"Alright." Theo sighed at Viola's indifference, not particularly bothered but clearly wanting to have a conversation. "Can we just talk about this?"

"What's there to talk about?" Viola inquired, her tone still and her expression unchanging.

"No, no," Theo responded with a slight chuckle. "Whatever this is might've worked on someone else, but I know you too well for that."

Theo remained adamant in his perception of Viola, insisting that he could not be misled or manipulated. He saw right through her dismissive attitude and wanted a reaction. There would be no games played with her, as Theo knew exactly how she operated and was unwilling to let her hide anything from him.

"Unfortunately," Viola responded sarcastically to Theo's statement.

"I'm not stupid enough to believe you're only mad because of my not responding to your letters," Theo said, his gaze fixed on Viola as she looked ahead."There's something else, right?"

"I," Viola began, her words trailing off as if lost in thought. "It just feels so unfair."

"What does?" he asked, listening closely.

"Every time I walk into a room, people have already formed their opinions about me." Viola began, with a tinge of annoyance and bitterness in her tone. "I could care less about what they think. It's the fact that they expect me to be this terrible person, as if I have no good intentions."

Viola's words were filled with resentment and frustration, "Maybe I should just prove them right."

Theo raised a brow at Viola's response, seeming slightly puzzled by her attempts to shift the conversation in another direction. Before he could continue questioning her, he took a deep breath and reached into his back pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes.

"I don't think I'll ever come across someone like you," Theo spoke, his words accompanied by a cigarette that was handed to Viola, who accepted it.

Viola lit the cigarette with the lighter in her stocking, her brow slightly raised as she looked at Theo's words. The act of lighting up and taking a drag was a calming and familiar one.

"And you never will." Viola spoke with subtle confidence, her cigarette held between her fingers as she watched the clouds roll by in the sky.

The words were accompanied by a small hint of satisfaction and a faint smirk, as she seemed to enjoy having proved her point. When it came to Theo, it was clear that she knew him better than he thought.

"What happened to the Theo who gave me a lecture about smoking, hm?" She teased, her tone playful and light. She seemed to be enjoying this moment with Theo, as she allowed herself to relax.

"That Theo had no idea about anything," said Theo, as he took a long drag from his cigarette. With his response, "And besides, I only do it once or twice a week,"

He purposefully quoted her own words from last year, causing Viola's lips to twitch up into a now playful smirk.

"Ah, very funny," came Viola's sarcastic response. "So, any French girls caught your attention?" asked Viola, her question loaded with tease.

"What?" Theo asked in a chuckle, seemingly amused by the idea. "No, not really. I'm not particularly into girls who can barely understand a word I say."

"I can translate for you." Viola suggested playfully, raising her brows in a suggestive manner.

"Yeah?" Theo asked, with a chuckle that indicated amusement with Viola's comment. "I'd still pass on that,"

"Liar," Viola challenged jokingly, squinting her eyes.

"Lair?" Theo said, nodding his head, in a way that indicated frisky approval. "Okay, let's talk about you for a second here. Any Durmstrang's you're interested in?"

Viola shook her head, inhaling her cigarette once more. "Not my thing," she replied.

"Oh, but they sure are interested in you," Theo emphasized with a smirk. He leaned in slightly, and the smile on his face grew more amused and teasing. "Do you honestly not see the way they gawk at you in the halls?"

"And so what if they do?" The question was posed in a nonchalant and casual manner, "I'm too busy being surrounded by bodyguards to even spare them a glance,"

Theo chuckled at this, his words coming with a sense of amusement and understanding. He knew first hand that the sight of him, Blaise, and Draco walking with Viola could be an intimidating one.

"You know," Viola changed the topic, as she looked to Theo. "Hufflepuff's having a party in their dorm, celebrating Cedric being the chosen champion and all," she continued.

"Bet they feel honored that their house has ever been chosen for anything," Theo mused, "How did you know about it anyway?"

"Cedric told me," Viola answered, her words coming naturally.

"Oh? Since when have you two been close?" His words came with a hint of skepticism.

"Since," Viola trailed off, a certain hesitancy in her tone."Doesn't really matter, does it? Anyways, everyone's going to be there, you should come."

After taking a final drag from her cigarette, Viola flicked it away, turning around and heading back into her dorm as if it was just another ordinary action and ordinary conversation she had with Theo.

I rlly hope this wasn't boring af lmao

Thank u 4reading!!


Word count: 1113

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