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Upon Viola's emergence from slumber, she was greeted by the scent of greenery and heard the subtle tapping of a beak against her window. A light sleeper, Viola was easily awakened by the faintest creek of a door. With the correct spell cast, she was able to gain access to the window's silver lock, equipped with built-in cremone bolts, which presented a bit of challenge to open. Yet, with the proper combination of dexterity and magic, it wasn't a challenge.

While still basking in the hazy effects of slumber, Viola seized the letter from the owl's beak, before it whizzed away. As she looked at the note, Viola knew whose handwriting it was before she even read the message. The distinctive writing style, one that Viola had come to know very well.

Resigning herself to the fact that she would have to read the letter, Viola reluctantly opened the Tyrian purple seal on the note, not knowing what to expect from her dear grand-merè.

Viola Black,

Naivety is not a quality I ever anticipated from you, my dear. Baring your soul to a cheapened harlot in green is nothing short of foolish and disgraceful. Exposing yourself like that? I am beyond appalled, utterly sickened but your behavior.

Furthermore, I won't not be at the manor to greet you upon your return to break. Instead, you'll be staying at Cygnus Black's manor, to whom Hyacinth shall escort you from the train stop.


Victorie H. Rosier

Viola found herself staring at the letter long after she had read it through multiple times. Too many questions rose in her mind, more than she could handle so soon after waking up.

"Merde," she hissed to herself, her breath exhaling with a heavy sigh.

She refused to leave the issue without a response, however, so she quickly retrieved a note and quill, and began to write a reply that her grand-mère deserved.

Dear Grand-mere,

Although it is no excuse, I must admit that I have not yet been made aware of what Skeeter has written about me. I remained reserved and did not give in to her questioning.

Regarding the break, I will do as you say and spend the time at Cygnus Black's manor. As always, I am ever your obedient granddaughter.

V. A . B

Those final words were dripping with sarcasm, but Viola hoped Victorie wouldn't notice, at least not immediately, and that's what mattered for now. With any luck, her response wouldn't bring forth any trouble during the break.

Viola then got dressed in her usual effortless chic look, perhaps it was the French in her, while walking through the clock tower entrance, she couldn't help but notice the looks she was getting. Every step seemed to turn heads and create a commotion.

This time, the gazes of people on her way felt different. She was used to people looking at her, but this time, she felt a certain energy shift.

She spotted Pansy, Blaise, and Lorenzo, seated together and seemingly engaged in conversation as they surveyed the crowd.

"Do any of you have any idea why these gits keep looking at me?" Viola sneered as she approached her friends, clearly bothered.

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