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As the air chills her bones, Viola walks through the corridors, book in hand, the cover disguised as one of the countless school texts that littered her shelves. This book was of the muggle variety, one that Viola would never admit to enjoying, lest she incur the wrath of her grandmother, who wasn't so easily fooled and would be more likely to use action than words to make Viola see things her way.

Still, Viola persisted, her passion for literature overriding her self-preservation instincts, as she ventured further and further beyond the confines of her grandmother's shadow.

Sitting down on one of the stone seats, Viola shivered from the cold, though her trousers provided her some protection. With a small book on her lap, Viola was almost startled by an unexpected visitor - a black owl that flew her way.

its wings beating against the air and sending up gusts of leaves as it arrived. Clutched in its beak was a letter, which Viola took in her hands.


I understand I may not be the person from whom you'd expect a letter. However, I hope you can look past my circumstances and accept this. I know in your mind, there is a wealth of knowledge that I trust you won't let those who Judge your name, cloud your thoughts.

I apologize for not sending you any letters until now.

I'm hope you enjoyed the ring, it was a gift from Andromeda during my early years.

- Sirius.

The feeling was one she utterly despised. It filled her mind, as she studied the letter, providing nothing to the owl in return. She collected her belongings, heading back to the common room.

She was forced to face this dreaded sensation, unable to escape its grip, alone with her thoughts and the ghost of what could have been.

"Viola," Daphne exclaimed as she entered the dormitory, Pansy and Clara seated on their friend's bed. "We've been waiting for you,"

"Have you now?" Viola replied, her tone lightly sarcastic as she shrugged off her scarf.

"Yes," Clara declared, her tone sharp and insistent, her blonde hair flipping wildly.

Clara lark, who always jumped from one friend group to another, seemed to have a special fascination with Viola. Despite the jokes about how she was a secret admirer, they knew that Clara was anything but subtle in her attempts to weasel her way into Viola's circle. And Viola wasn't pleased.

Pansy let out a quiet chuckle as she glanced at Viola, who was raising an amused brow. The two girls shared a moment of understanding.

"Anywho," Daphne began, shifting the focus of the conversation slightly. "Hufflepuff's having a party, and we're discussing what to wear. I was thinking of a simple orange dress I had," she elaborated.

"That would look horrible," Viola replied honestly, her face and tone of voice making her thoughts crystal clear.

"That's what i said," Pansy replied in agreement, walking over to Viola's bed and settling on the edge of it. The two shared a look, Viola rolling her eyes slightly as Pansy grinned at her.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 . 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐓Where stories live. Discover now