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As Viola made her way through the winding halls of Hogwarts, Pansy and Daphne rambled on incessantly on either side. While Pansy and Daphne prattled on, Viola remained preoccupied inside her own head. Trapped in an endless, never-ending whirl of ruminations.

Her mind was a domain all its own, a curious place where time and space seemed to lose meaning. The cacophony of her companions and the school around her was but a whisper, in comparison to the raucous of Viola's thoughts.

"Viola," Daphne's voice broke Viola's concentration, and snapped her out of her deep thoughts, in which she had been wholly immersed.

Pansy, on the other hand, had grown accustomed to Viola's tendency to drift away into her own mind, and was well aware of when to leave her alone. To Daphne, however, this concept was foreign, and she felt compelled to intervene whenever Viola was not paying attention.

"Are you even listening?" Daphne asked, with a puzzled expression.

"No, not really," Viola responded, nonchalantly. She remained absorbed in her thoughts, and casually fiddled with her bracelet.

"Well, listen to me," Daphne spoke up with a mild whine, for her, getting Viola's perspective on the matter was of great importance. "I tried speaking to him, of course, as has Clara. But, for some reason, he was rather cold, is it his nature to behave that way?"

"Daphne," Pansy spoke up with a light chuckle, "If Theo wasn't engaging in your conversation, then he might simply not be interested."

"In me? Or the conversation?" Daphne questioned with curiosity, her query never-ending.

"Both, Either, Neither," Viola offered up her wanted opinion on the matter, She did not seem particularly phased by Daphne's predicament. "Does it really matter? If you felt a one-sided conversation was occurring, then you wouldn't want to appear desperate and attempt to initiate a new one."

"Unless, of course," Pansy interjected, with an impish grin on her face. It was almost like a hive mind with her and Viola, the two always potent. "you need Viola and myself, to, perhaps, pay a visit to Theo's dorm room, and beg him for a date with you?"

"That could actually be an entertaining proposal," Viola chimed in, with a subtle smirk across her face. Along with Pansy, as she engaged in a glance with.

"Absolutely not!" Daphne interjected urgently, with a look of fear and trepidation on her face. "That would be humiliating."

"Exactly," Viola added, with a playful air to her tone as she pushed her lips together slightly.

"You two are no help," Daphne spoke with a tinge of frustration, accompanied by a dismissive wave of her hand. "I'm certainly sure Millicent would give me better advice,"

"Yeah?" Viola questioned with sarcasm, as Daphne departed the scene "Good luck with that,"

"Anyways," Pansy's demeanor changed abruptly, as her face grew somewhat suggestive,"What happened with you and Diggory last night?"

Viola's mind suddenly flooded with memories from the party the previous night, including the kiss she shared with Diggory, and the words spoken between them. However, Viola knew her own tendency to suppress her emotions, and thus, decided to dismiss her feelings as something fleeting and unimportant.

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